Pushing Boundary-Free GroupLife

Here are my top 10 posts on discipleship and making disciples in groups:
- Top 10 Things I Need to Know about Discipleship
- 6 Reasons Our Discipleship Strategies Miss the Mark
- How to Make Disciples in Small Groups
- 6 Essential Questions about Making Disciples and Small Group Ministry
- 5 Signs You May Have a Bad Disciple-Making Strategy
- 4 Leading Indicators of Small Group Ministries that Make Disciples
- Lagging Indicators of Effective Disciple-Making Small Group Ministries
- Skill Training: Equip Your Coaches to Develop and Disciple Leaders
- 7 Practices for Developing and Discipling Your Coaches
- 8 Things I Know for Sure about Making Disciples in Small Groups

H3 Leadership identifies 20 essential leadership habits organized into three distinct filters Lomenick calls “the 3 Hs”: Humble (Who am I?), Hungry (Where do I want to go?) and Hustle (How will I get there?).
I read my copy on a Kindle, but it is still highlighted and bookmarked throughout. I’m not surprised. Actually I noticed in the about this book section that 1413 passages had been highlighted 48956 times! Clearly…I am not the only one thinking this is a great read, packed with powerful insights into leadership.
H3 Leadership begins with a chapter zero that sets the tone for the book. Chapter zero tells the story of the end of Lomenick’s time with Catalyst and the sabbatical that produced the reflection that led to the book. More importantly, chapter zero introduces the idea that “leadership is more than hard work; it is habitual work” and that “the path to being a better leader is paved with the asphalt of the habits we develop.”
Each chapter covers one of the 20 essential leadership habits and every chapter is literally full of great personal stories, quotes and insights from world leaders past and present. Very readable (although I was constantly turning back a page or two to reread something I had just highlighted or bookmarked), I read the first section in one sitting. Couldn’t put it down!
Every chapter also includes a set of very practical takeaway practices, a set of practices that if built into habit will be life-changing. These form the basis for what could be (and should be) a set of powerful daily practices.
Honestly, I cannot recommend H3 Leadership highly enough! This is without a doubt the best book on leadership I’ve read in a long, long time. If you’ve not picked it up yet, stop what you are doing and get it right now. You will be very glad you did.
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