Senin, 08 Februari 2016


“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt. 11:28).

Come to Me. Not a church. Not a man of God. Not a teaching. Not a group. Come to Me, and learn of Me. I will give you rest. No one else can give you the rest. You cannot earn the rest. The rest is the gift of God.

If you are a born-again, child of God then you have done this at least once in your life. The moment you said, “God, I cannot save myself. I trust in the finished work of Christ to save me, Jesus be My Savior and Lord,” that is when you stopped trying to earn your salvation through works. You entered into rest. You “retired” from being your own savior. And most people have learned that it is settled from that moment on. You would not dream of going back to the days of trying to work for your salvation. You’re saved and you know it.

That is how you begin the Christian life. But there is more to the Christian life that just getting saved. That is the first step into a larger world. Jesus is continually calling out to you, saying, “Come to Me, and I will give you rest.” That is a progressive thing. It is a daily thing. Every day we come to Jesus, everyday we hand over something else, every day we learn to rest in Him, and trust in His life.

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