Hi all,
If you live in the US I encourage you to
get on our mail-out newsletter list as the content is usually very
different than this e-newsletter that goes to so many people in many
nations. The mail out newsletter is more personal about what is
happening in our lives, while the e-newsletter usually includes some
teaching and other thoughts.
Prophetically – Remember
the Father told me in September 2003 to “Watch out when Hillary takes
office”, and about 2 years ago (I haven’t’ shared this publically before
now that I recall), “The President (Obama) and his policies will be
more dangerous after he leaves office than when he was in office.”
But the ‘watch out’ part has certainly
been true since 2009 when Hillary became Secretary of State, so that has
been fulfilled as we've certainly seen massive changes to our nation
since then. But time will tell if He was speaking of a still larger
I had mentioned earlier the Father told
me "The last half of the year will be difficult for many." Of course a
statement like that can be said of any given 6 months in history - but
when the Father specifically made that statement to me, I took it as
having a deeper meaning, that things unusual would happen in the world.
Having seen the terrorism and political
happenings around the world already, from Brexit to Dallas and other
violence against police, to Turkey to Nice, France and more, and we're
only in mid-July, I am really praying about these last 5 months. He had
already said as I've shared before "2017 will be a difficult time for
the world", so I'm 'gearing up' spiritually so to speak.
But again I go back to a visitation in
early 2010 when I was asking about the Arab Spring and Egypt and other
things, and after telling me a few things He said, "But what are these
things to you? As for you, you must be about the Father's business."
Christ is in us, and He is rock solid
steady. We must as individuals, each be about the business the Father
has for us in our sphere of life; Our spouses, family, work, those we
fellowship with - those are our priorities. Watch, pray, observe, but
don't fear. And remember, we are human beings, not human doings. First
'be', then 'do', in that order.
Practical house church tips - You are the host so you set the rules.
If people need to be out by a certain time, tell them that up front. If
you close the doors to certain rooms tell them they are closed for a
reason and to stay out. Set the rules, you are the host. If it is any
consolation, Paul had to instruct the Corinthians on such social skills
in I Corinthians 14 starting in v26. Those included take turns, don't
interrupt one another, anything you say will be judged and could be
rejected, don't dominate conversation, and more.
In our first year of starting CWOWI we
had a couple lead a house church that met Sunday mornings at 10am. They
would tell of how people would stay until 11pm, and even go home, get
their swim suits, and come back for dinner and sit in the hot tub until
almost midnight!
We told them that is not wise, that
people are there for house church - to celebrate Jesus and what we have
in common in Him, and to grow as people and believers. As such our
advice was to limit the meetings to a couple hours or as the Lord moved,
but certainly to dismiss in time for people to have the rest of the
This couple complained about it, not
wanting to hurt feelings, but torn because they had to get up early the
next day for work, so for the sake of not wanting to hurt feelings they
wouldn't set limits. The end result was they burned out as predicted,
and aren't doing house church today.
Rotate - another tip is
rotate who leads, and rotate homes. We've found this pattern seen in
Acts 2:46 and elsewhere, works no matter the culture or nation. If it
isn't possible to rotate homes each week, at least rotate who leads the
meetings. And by that I don't mean a rotation among just 3 people, but
rather give everyone the opportunity to lead a meeting. We've had
several house church meetings that have been led by children and teens -
share the responsibility!
And leading doesn't have to mean the
whole thing - be creative, maybe someone new only feels comfortable
picking out some worship songs while asking someone else to share the
Word or what's on their heart. It isn't a competition, it only needs to
be non-controversial and instead focused on what we have in common - and
people can share depending on the grace He has given them. A person who
loves to worship, may lead everyone in worship without any 'teaching'
from the Word. An intercessor may lead everyone in prayer. A teacher may
skip a time of worship altogether and just share from the Word - allow
people to share according to their grace.
We've found a house church is more
vibrant if it limits studies from books or other curriculum, choosing
rather to rotate each week who shares, making each meeting different. If
one feels led to share from a book or lesson, do so only when they host
and/or lead rather than each week, or at least limit such set in stone
schedule to no more than a month of meetings - trust Christ in each
person, and remember that a little wild fire is preferable to no fire.
People will come back to balance with gentle guidance.
Live intentionally towards one another
- don't let that weekly meeting be the only time you see and/or
communicate with one another. Invest in the relationships by making the
effort to have lunch with someone in your house church once a week.
Invite someone from your group over for dinner mid-week. Be creative;
moms and young kids get together, have a men's get together over sports
or meal or something all agree on. Maintain social media contact and
stay in touch so that the weekly meeting is merely a continuation of the relationship.
May Dutch Conference
Dutch conference next year is held on the USA's Memorial Day weekend,
starting Thursday, May 25th through Sunday the 28th. (Memorial Day is
Monday the 29th)
I encourage you to prayerfully consider
coming to the conference. It is a mix of fellowship, worship, teaching,
and move of the Spirit, all in a retreat setting where we eat
together at a nice facility on beautiful grounds in rural Netherlands.
We usually have people from 6 to 15 nations attending and you will
certainly gain many new friends!
The plan is that after the conference,
from Monday (Memorial Day in the US) the 29 through Wednesday the 31st,
those who wish can stay over and site see with Barb and I. The
Netherlands is so beautiful, especially in spring, with fields of
tulips, quaint towns, castles, and vibrant Amsterdam and surrounding
areas. We may visit the Anne Frank house and/or the Corrie ten Boom
house as well.
Flights to Amsterdam allow easy access
for those coming outside the US or Canada. From the US you leave one
day, sleep on the plane and arrive the next morning. You can easily do
it in a week or 8 days. Contact Wil and Ank at cwowi@solcon.nl for
If you could keep us and Chris in prayer
we'd appreciate it. We've had so many trips and visitors and events this
year that our normal schedule for having him home has been all over the
calendar, which he hasn't understood as he is very schedule oriented
with his brain damage doesn't understand all the changes we've had to
make to his schedule. The aides at the group home, as well as we have
had to deal with behavioral issues and his emotional roller coaster.
Jesus said He is meek and lowly in heart,
and so He is. He isn't Hollywood Jesus. He isn't impressed by Italian
marble foyer as one enters a building called church, He values a cup of
water to a child, a personal visit to sick friends or those in prison,
and meeting food and clothing needs.
Our values must align with His values. He
is meek and lowly in heart and we can learn of Him; that learning is
day to day through mundane, normal, life. That is a life-long process!
We have several needs right now and we SO appreciate your giving – Thank you.
John & Barb
New cd/MP3 series:
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