Senin, 07 Desember 2015

The Bonhoeffer Project and

The Bonhoeffer Project and
Are Pulling the Same Wagon
by Bill Hull

Heretics One and All
We call ourselves The Bonhoeffer Project in honor of Bonhoeffer’s masterwork, The Cost of Discipleship, and his life as a testament to the fidelity of his faith, a faith that embraced discipleship. He was also a heretic, not in the classical sense, but one who had the courage to stand against conventional thinking and teaching. He conducted a “Grand Experiment” between 1935-1940 in leading an illegal Preacher’s Seminary. In that Seminary he endeavored to teach and practice what he called “a new monasticism,” nothing like the old, but a rule of life that today we would call discipleship with accountability.
The Bonhoeffer Project is designed to solve a problem and to start a revolution. A quiet revolution, a Fifth Column that forms behind enemy lines and conspires to change pastors, churches, and the culture. We do it because no one else is likely to do it. We do it because we are passionate about it. We do it because He who hung upon the cross—who suffered, died, and rose again—he told us to do it. We can do nothing less than obey him.

Click here to read more.

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