Hi all,
a quick message for those in the US reading this: If you live in the US
please read the mail-out newsletter coming this week for a prophetic
message for the nation that is not in this e-newsletter (that goes out
to so many nations). I"m not putting it online. The content of the mail
out newsletter is always different than the e-newsletter for that
reason, but this month I share a particularly 'heavy' recent word and
vision from the Father for the US you might be interested in.
Facebook live
doing about 1 Facebook Live video per week so if you are on Facebook
you can look up John C Fenn and see and/or follow me for video and
written posts. We're working on posting them on my YouTube channel but
it seems more difficult than a simple forward and I'm (we're) still
learning the process - but a couple of Facebook videos are there and I
plan on doing one around the middle of each week. They are in the 5 to
10 minute range, but not over 10 minutes for sure.
Health, travels
a personal note, I continue losing 1-2 pounds (.5-.9k) per week to
reach my goal of no more than 250 (113k) so as of this writing I still
have 8 to go, with a loss so far of 22 pounds (10k) since discovering my
AFib and high blood pressure. In terms of my highest weight (because I
lost some weight knowing I was going to have that physical back in
January, lol...vanity, vanity...I've lost 46 pounds (20k) grand total
overall. Once I have a time at the goal weight or a bit below and my
blood pressure remains there, I'll be looking at the ablatian for the
AFib in February.
planing a Chicago/northern Illinois/Kenosha area visit in early
February, more details later, and planning Lithuania in the second half
of March though exact details aren't set. I'm also praying about a
separate Finland and maybe Nordic nation trip but it's just being
'birthed' in my spirit as to what the Father wants, but I know one is
coming but not when yet - just that He wants me to do a separate trip
there. Open to suggestions on that!
Also remember our Dutch conference May 25-28
which is during the US holiday, Memorial Day weekend. We are planning
on spending a couple days after the conference with anyone who can stay
to see some of the Netherlands. You can go and return in a week, and
what a week it should be!
Dutch conference is at a retreat center in a rural area outside a small
town, so we are all lodged in the same place and eat our meals together
and have time to visit. It is a time of a variety of things in the Lord
ranging from teaching to question and answer to the move of the Father
and Lord in our midst, to spending time with me and others from several
nations 'hanging out' together. The Dutch conference is the place to
of the Netherlands, Wil and Ank will be moving to their new home the
end of March - a beautiful home and setting better capable of hosting
(home) meetings and regional gatherings and guests, and we all sensed
such peace the Father had something like this for them. They do so much
in communication, coordination, and teaching all who are doing and
interested in family and home based church in Europe, and they are so
loved and appreciated. They also travel extensively in Europe and host
folks as well, so this home is perfect. They extend their thanks for
those who gave and who have committed to helping monthly, and gifts
between now and their move will be appreciated so they can make the move
well supplied and furnished for all that will be needed in the
Ezekiel 38 lining up
of the most intriguing statements in Ezekiel 38 about the prophesied
war between what most believe is a Russian led alliance against Israel,
is that God says "I will turn you about, and put hooks into your jaws,
and I will bring you forth with all your armies..." (v4)
'turn you about' indicates a changing foreign policy for Russia. In
other words before, it wasn't interested in direct military involvement
in the Middle East, but is now turned around and pulled into that
region, choosing to align itself with what is modern day Turkey, Iran,
and others.
have 'hooks in your jaws' means being pulled in at first perhaps,
unwillingly, almost lured in. That understanding makes sense because
verse 10 says that in those days a thought will come to (him) and an
'evil plan' will be devised to invade Israel for the purpose of taking
spoil. It reveals that invading Israel wasn't on the agenda at the first, when they are drawn into Middle East conflicts.
is exactly the process going on right now isn't it? In the last month
we've seen Turkey and Russia not only get closer, but are working
militarily together in Syria to support the current government, while
the US continues to talk big but in practice back away overall. The
hooks are in the jaws, and the next thing at some point in the future
will be the thought to go further into the Middle East by invading
Israel. Obviously that won't happen as long as the US has a presence and
will to be involved with Israel and the Middle East...so watch the
election in the US, for if it goes one way we may have time due to
strong Presidential support for Israel, if it goes another way things
will continue as they are.
interesting is the President of the Philippines saying he is backing
his nation away from the US, this said after he spent time with China's
leaders to develop agreements for their increased involvement in his
nation. Many of you will recall the times I've shared a visitation from
1991 or '92 where the Lord told me; "...(most) are focused on the wall
coming down and the fall of the USSR, but they should be focused on
China, for she will become an economic powerhouse and seek to swallow up
all of Asia and much of the world if she could, but this she must do to
fulfill her role in the end times."
never forgotten those words and that visitation for He confirmed we are
in the end times and my understanding of the basic scenario. The
economic growth of China can be seen from the Panama Canal (ownership)
and them buying the largest port in the Canal in May, to Africa to the
Philippines, and more. And of course military advancement often follows
economic advancement, so expect to see more of China in the news - but
they aren't involved in the Ezekiel 38 war, they are part of the 200
million man army that invades Israel about 7 years after the Ezekiel 38
war, which will be Armageddon and the return of the Lord.
Meetings in homes and Abraham - what do they have in common?
Genesis 18 in the writing style of Moses and Joshua, we see 3 men
having a meal with Abraham. Moses and Joshua's style was to show the
natural view first, and then reveal the spiritual view and truth. This
can be seen in several places, including Jacob wrestling with what is
said to be a man initially, but who turns out to be the Lord*. Also
Joshua is confronted by a man with sword drawn outside Jericho* and who
turns out to be the Lord as Captain of the Lord of Host's army. He
reveals how Joshua is to conquer Jericho. *Genesis 32:22-32, Joshua
5:13-15, 6:1-5.
Joshua worshipped the Lord and removed his shoes in His presence,
revealing this was the Lord and not an angel, as erroneously reported by
some who claimed to have met 'the angel' that met Joshua. Angels don't
receive worship and only God commands men in the OT to remove their
shoes (Shoes are man made and we don't approach God of our own doing or
device). So if you hear someone or read a book claiming that person
talked to the 'angel' Joshua talked to, the 'angel' that person talked
to wasn't one of God's angels...but a demon appearing as one. Toss the
book or recording for it is full of error as is the author or speaker.
Genesis 18 we are told 3 men walk up to Abraham, who invites them to
dinner, and they 3 are served by Abraham himself who stands by them as
they eat. Only then, after the meal is eaten, is it revealed it is the
Lord and 2 angels, for the Lord tells them Sarah will have a son about
that time next year, and then the 2 angels leave to go to Sodom to
rescue Lot and his family which is seen in the next chapter. But the
Lord lingers behind and says within Himself:
I hide from Abraham that which I'm about to do? Since Abraham will
surely become a great and mighty nation...for I have known him that he
will teach his children and his household after him to keep the ways of
the Lord and to do what is just and righteous..."
Meetings start out 'in the natural'
the same way Moses and Joshua's style of writing was to provide the
natural appearance of things first, and then reveal the supernatural
truth, so it is with many, many things of the Lord - how many of us have
started our walk with Him, or had experiences that started quite
normally and naturally but turned out to be a God-encounter?
is it with home based church and relationships. If you attend a house
church meeting you won't be impressed. There is no choir, no stained
glass, no Italian marble in a foyer cafe' where you and 200 people are
offered coffee and pastries.
walk into a home - if you don't know someone there you will be nervous
entering a home you've never been to before, and it all seems quite
normal, natural, and you won't be impressed. No one will hand you a
bulletin or order of service. No smartly dressed usher will seat you -
you may be greeted by the family dog, a toddler with mouth covered in
breakfast may try to give you a slobbery greeting, you may even see a
glimpse of someone dashing off to finish their make up or hair or put
their socks on.
all normal, the natural view if you were Moses or Joshua writing about
it. But if you will stay, if you will invest yourself in the people, if
you will allow yourself to get out of your comfort zone a few weeks in a
row - the spiritual and supernatural will be revealed to you.
The auditorium church affirms people differently than a family based home church
the auditorium a person is affirmed and put at ease with the order, the
routine, the surroundings of woods and carpets, architecture and
history - all appeal to the emotions and physical senses to make one
feel at ease and secure and safe.
family based home church is boring by contrast. The degree to which you
will be unimpressed and bored reveals the degree to which your mind is
trained by the auditorium church with expectations to be affirmed in
that same way. If you are out of your comfort zone by the idea of church
in the family and home, then you don't know your Bible nor culture of
God - in other words, a normal Christian. ha!
been born into and adopted into the family of God. It's all family
based. Jesus went to prepare a home for us where His Father and He live.
Too late, it's all family based. You will still know 100,000 years from
now the Christians you know now. It's all family and relationship
based! Start renewing your mind to think as God thinks and be willing to
transition from a structure based faith to God's family based faith -
you aren't confused by family and home based church, you were confused
by the auditorium culture and the light of God's Word and ways are
shining light on your confusion for the first time.
Also note what the Lord said back in Genesis 18:17-19:
He based His giving revelation into the earth on the spiritual life of
Abraham's family. "Shall I hide from Abraham that which I'm about to
do...seeing he will raise up his household and children in the ways of
the Lord..."
you want revelation from heaven, it starts with meeting the Lord in
your home, with your spouse, family, friends; in your relationships. The
Father is a Spirit, so He affirms us in our spirits, not our flesh.
That is why walking into a family based home church appears all normal
and natural and without an initial clue that something supernatural is
about to happen and be revealed. Learn to be affirmed in your spirit
instead of your flesh.
stick around that home church...invest in the family of God, invest in
the relationships and see the supernatural work of God in action. It
will be messy. You will get to know people without their church faces
on. You may even take off your church face to reveal what is really
happening, thereby allowing God's power to move through those people to
heal, to comfort, to provide an inspired word to you.
you for your prayers - there are some things happening I'm not at
liberty to discuss, but we appreciate your prayers. Chris has had
several weeks of peace at his group home, thank you for your prayers for
him. We appreciate your financial support, for joining with us in
ministry to the saints in so many nations.
John & Barb
New cd/MP3 series:
When the Grace has Lifted From What You are Doing
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