Senin, 21 Maret 2016

Why Israel Matters

Why Israel Matters
by Chip Brogden
“All these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come” (1 Cor. 10:11).

A lot of people read the Old Testament and try to go back to living under the Law.

If that’s you then congratulations – you officially missed the whole point.

Everything that happened to Israel happened as an example – often, of what NOT to do.

And these things were written down in a book so we could read them and be warned (that’s what “admonition” means).

And Israel’s example, and the warnings written down for us, are especially important because upon us the “ends of the ages” have come.

That’s right, the Last Days.

The times we’re living in right now.

Yes, events that happened thousands of years ago were recorded to teach us something.

So take all that and consider what it means.

People from our past wrote a book that provides a social, political, and spiritual history of a nation all the way from birth to death.

Then someone hands you this book and says, “Let their example be a warning to you who are living in the Last Days.”

Would you pay attention?

Not enough do.

But it’s right there, hidden in plain sight....


I am your brother,

Chip Brogden 

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