Minggu, 13 Maret 2016

Does God Still Speak?

Dear LK10 Family,

central and essential LK10 value is that God does still speak in a personal and intimate way today.  This is so important that we devoted a whole lesson (Lesson Three) in our Church 101 Course to this understanding (and the practice of listening to Him).  Recently, we discovered that one of the video links in Lesson Three no longer worked.  Specifically, it was the link to John Eldredge teaching on this subject.  When we explored further, we found that John's website had actually replaced the one video with four short videos (5-7 minutes each) on the subject.  Apparently, John feels this is important too!

Soon we will update the lessons in our Church 101 e-Workbook.  (FYI...  We are aware of at least 19 groups that have gone through Church 101 this fall!)  In the meantime, I want to encourage you to take time this week to watch these four short videos (even if you have seen them before!).  This topic of God speaking today is really a "great divide" within Christianity and it's vital that we have a clear understanding in this area.  I believe John is one of the best teachers on this subject.

All four of these short videos are found here:  http://www.ransomedheart.com/walking-god-extra-content  (The photos below are just to remind you that there are four videos to watch.)

Video 1.  Does God still speak?  "By nature, God is a communicator.  And, we are made in His image...  The Bible is full of examples of what it looks like to walk with God."

Video 2.  Learning to hear His voice.  "Everything in life requires growing in it.  Learning how to do it. And, this is true for learning to hear God... Start with small questions."

Video Three.  How to deal with the Enemy.  "The Age of Enlightenment caused many Christians to dismiss spiritual attack from the Christian life... Sometimes its the Enemy who keeps us from hearing God."

Video Four.  Pray like Elijah.  "James says Elijah was a man with a nature like ours... He had to pray seven times to see an answer. How encouraging it is to know this!"

John Eldredge goes into greater detail about hearing God in his book "Walking with God" which we recommend.

*How to start a house church?   Dennis Brown will be initiating a Google Hangout to explore this topic.  If you are interested, contact Dennis right away at dennisaverybrown@gmail.com   Also, see his post in the LK10 Forum, here:  http://www.lk10.com/community/community-discussion/?cid=24&show=1348

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Delighted to be on the journey with you!


John White
Team Leader
LK10:  A Community of Practice for House Church Leaders

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