Minggu, 13 Maret 2016

LK10: More on leading groups (house churches)

Dear LK10 Family,

Last week, I shared with you a video of a Google Hangout that begins to explore the simple but powerful practice of discipling a group in contrast to only discipling individuals in a group.  (Sometimes we refer to this as "facilitating a group".)  Why is this a key LK10 Value?  Because it is an excellent tool for fulfilling the vision God has given us which is developing "vibrant families of Jesus"

Here are some of the comments from those in the LK10 Community who watched the video...

Great hangout. Lots of good information, lots of good modeling.   -Dennis Brown (Georgia)

This was fantastic! love how it was a bit messy and very real! The way you handled the late comers and their questions was fantastic and enlightening !!!  I can see such potential in using these hangouts for training.           -Maree Watson (Australia)

Yes!  Great video. Very helpful.  We were doing a lot of nodding (not off!) and hmmm-mming.  
                     Nancy and Walter Short (Colorado)

The best part of the video for me was understanding that the group is an entity - and that it will grow in health if that makes sense. I haven't done a closing round before, only a sashet and listening round so will try that tomorrow.                                        Sharon Hutchinson (Australia)
Very helpful information. I was especially interested with the concept of looking at it through the eyes of a parent. That really helped in putting everything into an environment we can all relate to. I look forward to more teaching on this topic. Is that Dick Wulf video available to everyone?(JW:  Actually it's just audio, not video.  See below on how to get it.)    Jim Edmunds (California)

Want to learn more about facilitating groups (house churches)?  Here are some next steps...

1.  Watch the video of our Hangout.  This is the video I referenced above.  If you haven't already, watch the video of this Google Hangout.  Here's the link again:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSS7uwsx1_U

2.  Listen to Dick Wulf's teaching on facilitating a group.   In the video mentioned above, I mention an audio teaching by Dick Wulf (from whom I've learned facilitating).  You should be able to download this file and listen to it from this link:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/chsj60xjtzoi923/Dick_Wulf_-_Fascilitating_Small_Groups.mp3

3.  Watch this interview.  Here's a short interview I did with Dick a couple of weeks ago.  Click on the link, not the photo.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nPNCoORX_Q&feature=youtu.be   (Note:  I know there is a lot of noise in the background.  But, this illustrates another LK10 Value:  real life storytelling.  While professional videos are great, we also want to "capture" stories in the midst of every day life.)

4.  A message from Dick Wulf to the LK10 Community.  Another LK10 Value is found in 1 Cor. 9:11.  "If we have invested in you spiritually, it is appropriate for you to invest in us financially."  When I asked Dick how we could contribute to his ministry, he wrote this special note to the LK10 Community about how we could pray for his ministry.  In addition to prayer, if Dick's teaching has been valuable to you, ask the Lord if you are to make some financial investment also.  So, read the note Dick has written and go to the bottom of the page to see how to contribute financially:  http://www.lambsbride.org/lk10.html

5.  Special Hangout on facilitating.  I'm planning on scheduling a special Google Hangout in the next couple of weeks for those who want to explore this topic further.  This would be for whoever has watched the video of the Google Hangout referenced above and who have listened to Dick's audio teaching.  Let me know if you are interested.

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Delighted to be on the journey with you!


John White
Team Leader
LK10:  A Community of Practice for House Church Leaders

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