Hi all,
Today we'll look at the woman caught in adultery from John 8: 3-11.
woman was caught literally in bed with another man and thrown into the
streets to face immediate execution. Various versions she the scribes
and Pharisees 'set her in their midst' or 'made her stand in their
Ironically, Leviticus 20:10
says both the man and woman caught in the act of adultery should be
executed, but religious people have a way of editing the Word to fit
their beliefs rather than let the Word change what they believe, so we
only see the woman facing execution. In ancient Israel the breaking of
any of the 10 Commandments carried the death penalty, whereas the other
603 laws of Moses carried various degrees of punishment including down
to simple fines for misdemeanors.
example is Joseph who upon finding Mary pregnant and could have had her
executed, but instead didn't seek to bring charges and sought a divorce
Matthew 1:19 tells us. My point is there was
latitude even within Capital offenses, which is what Jesus offered the
woman caught in the act of adultery. He wasn't breaking the Law of
Moses, He was merely making the case for a lesser sentence - including
freedom as it happened. And here is where the road to her emotional
healing was prepared.
The day after the feast
John 7:37
tells us on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles (When they lived
in tents for a week to celebrate God living with man, specifically the
wilderness experience after coming out of Egypt) Jesus proclaimed that
those who believe in Him will have the Holy Spirit flowing out of them
like rivers of living water. He said this because the Feast is also
known as the Feast of Living waters, and John 8 tells us it was the next
morning or the 8th day of the feast that the woman was caught in the
act of adultery.
day after the feast, called 'Shemini Atzeret' is a separate feast of
transition. The people are transitioning from tents back to their homes,
and this is the transition Jesus presents to this woman. The day is
like an encore in ancient times, a time of reflection - it will be 6
months before the nation again gathers for Passover.
affair was likened here in this context on the 8th day to have been
like a tent, a temporary shelter, but now on the 8th day, the day of new
beginnings, of Shemini Atzeret, a day she could transition back to her
home, her life, her normal, sin-free life. This is what the Fountain of
Living Waters was offering her.
context is important because it says Jesus wrote in the dust which
caused the woman's executioners to leave them alone 'being convicted by
their own conscience', one by one from the eldest to the youngest, until
Jesus and the woman were left alone. I have a teaching series on
'Through Jewish Eyes' which explains what Jesus wrote and why among many
other customs we misunderstand or just don't understand in the first
place, but here is the basic information.
For the full week of Tabernacles/Living Waters a particular verse had been read - every day - which is Jeremiah 17:13:
"O Lord the hope of Israel, all that forsake you will be ashamed, and
they that depart from you (will have their names) written in the earth,
because they have forsaken the Lord, the Fountain of Living Waters."
reason I'm going into such detail to explain why Jesus was writing
their names in the dust of the earth is that He is in fact the Fountain
of Living Waters they forsook, and He is about to offer this woman
Living Water - everyone there would have understood these things - so
she hopes He is about to offer some grace, some Living Water.
Notice once again the pattern to her emotional healing
fact she was caught in bed with her lover is known. When the
executioners leave, Jesus asks her: Woman, where are your accusers? Has
no one condemned you?" to which she replies the obvious as it was just
the two of them, but His question has a higher purpose - that of
acknowledging where she is right at that moment. "No one, sir."
as with the woman at the well, just as with the man who had Legion,
here Jesus gets her to acknowledge where she is right now. And once
again He offers no opinion, no judgment, just a point in the present
when both the Lord and a person He created meet at one point in time to
acknowledge where they are. In each case that is the pivot point around
which their life changes and a new future is about to embark. It is the
turning point, the launch pad - but none of the 3 realized it at those
questions about how she got herself into that situation, questions
about the double standard like why didn't they bring her lover out too,
questions about what in her heart caused her to take a risk she knew if
caught could mean her death - all laid aside for now, perhaps to be
answered in heaven one day.
Here is comes...
"Neither do I condemn you. Go. Sin no more." John 8:11
What did 'Go' mean to her? Go meant a release from the death sentence. It meant freedom to restart her life. Jesus is always empowering people to take charge of their life.
Think about the emotions involved. Her once secret affair was now
public knowledge. Her reputation was ruined. Her emotions shredded like
so much cheese going into a recipe, for in fact the recipe of her life
has now changed. She will have to rebuild her reputation, maybe get a
job, certainly be whispered about for weeks to come...but go through it
and rebuild! Grow a back bone because your heart is set on seeing
justice, righteousness, in your life.
no more." What was Jesus telling her? Break off the affair. Go - but
not back to the old, rather break off the relationship and rebuild your
the man ruined his marriage. Maybe she ruined her marriage. Maybe she
was married and he was single. Maybe he was married and she was his
mistress, the man providing an apartment for her, maybe a living
allowance, maybe paid for that fancy chariot she has parked outside her
home. What were her emotional ties to the man? He made her feel loved,
whole, needed, appreciated, wanted. It didn't matter: "Sin no more." Not
a suggestion, but a command.
badly do you want a life that is whole, at peace, going in the right
direction? Then break off the relationship. Be caught up in the 'Go',
for that is empowerment by the Lord Himself. It is you taking charge of
your life, you being in charge in complete freedom - Go! You are free,
there is no condemnation - Go!
Today we have pop Christian emotional psychology
she lived today this woman might have attended a workshop to break soul
ties. Maybe she would sign up for an inner healing course which might
ask her to imagine Jesus present for all of her affairs and abuses she
suffered through the years with the idea of healing her emotions. If she
lived today there is little doubt someone would suggest she was
promiscuous because she had a spirit of lust and other demons that
needed cast out. And if she really wanted to get to the core someone
would suggest she go to a deliverance and inner healing ministry that
would lead her to renounce the sins of her forefathers and mothers to
the 10th generation.
Jesus didn't know any of those methods back then, imagine that, He
simply said grow a strong will for righteousness and justice and do what
is right, put down your emotions to this guy and break it off - and not
only him, but stay out of bed with other men too - Sin no more.
Go...but sin no more.
Jesus is the Fountain of Living Waters
path to life is often obscured behind conflicting emotions and
difficult choices...but if you have that revelation and you want to
establish justice in your life, first it must be in your heart, and you
must hold before you that your destiny is through the churning emotions.
Your destiny is through the difficult decisions. In each case Jesus
empowered people and then let them rebuild their lives.
I've run out of room, we'll close it out next week, until then,
John Fenn
www.cwowi.org and email me at cwowi@aol.com
New CD/MP3 Series
July 14th to August 14th
"According to
Your Faith" & "How Your Authority Works"- 4 CDs $15
- These series break the stereotypical teaching on faith, explaining in
practical day-to-day terms how to know when to act and when to stand
and trust. There are times we can tell heaven is watching, waiting for
what we decide - but how do we know which way to decide, what to
These 2 series will help you figure out where you are in your situation
and give you wisdom on how to proceed. Very practical, behind the
scenes view, series.
was John's first book and it details many visitations with the Lord and
angels, giving a 'behind the scenes' view of heaven's perspective,
which will help every believer know His ways. 'Knowing" picks up where
'Pursuing' left off, which was just as John was taken to heaven.
'Knowing' is all about heaven and the Father's throne and things related
to his experience there.
Just a word about our On-line Video Bible School
- these classes, so far; Old Testament I & II, Righteousness and
Our Authority in Christ - are a go-at-your-own-pace, no test, investment
in your own faith and understanding of the Word and Lord. Once
registered, your password is good for a whole year so you can take your
time, but as I'm hearing from students, once they start they have a hard
time stopping! Each class is about 45-55 minutes long, so they are in
easy to receive segments...consider investing in a deeper study of the
things of God!
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