As you probably remember from our last conversation, the Hydes are primarily focused in Israel. But since our last talk, their work has taken them to several spots in the United States, to the Philippines, and soon to Singapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia. So as they continue this trip, I want to invite everyone in the LK10 Community to pray the 10:2b prayer for their work, that the Lord of the Harvest will continue bringing about workers into the fields.
I know that different people receive these kinds of stories differently. Some are encouraged by the amazing reception that the Hydes and others like them receive. Some hear these kinds of stories and ask questions like, "why am I not the person flying all over the world sharing the Gospel?" Or even, "why are people not receiving the invitation with as much excitement here where I live?"
And so I also want to invite everyone to continue praying to the Lord of the Harvest for your own place. Different fields produce different results. Some fields are less productive. And as our Jewish brethren would remind us from Torah, sometimes a field just needs to be fallow for a while before it can be healthily productive again (I have a feeling we're experiencing this right now in parts of America). But regardless, our first task is to pray. Or rather, our first privilege is to pray. We're on this journey with God, and God is in the lead. If things aren't happening, don't take it personally. God's still at work, in you and in your town/city/state/country. Continue to pray, and, as my friend Elaine likes to say, release the outcome.
Finally, we've seen over and over again that practicing gratitude makes us far more open to God and God's activity in the world around us. So if you're like me and have a hard time not asking "why not me?", then practicing thankfulness about what God is doing through the Hydes is probably a great place to start. And if you're not a grump like me, you're probably already there. Regardless, I'm really thankful for what the Hydes are doing, where God is taking them, and for what more God could do through their ministry.
For more information on the Hydes' work, check out their website at heartofg-d.org, and check out this video for a helpful overview of what's been going on recently. And as always, swing by the Facebook group for more conversation.
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