Selasa, 04 Oktober 2016

Blessing List—A Simple, Powerful Tool to Activate Your Cell Members in Effective Outreach

Blessing List—A Simple, Powerful Tool to Activate Your Cell Members in Effective Outreach

Blessing List
“My version of the Blessing List looks like this.”
Over my years of leading cell groups, the most powerful tool that I have found for focusing members on praying and reaching out together is a simple sheet of paper called a Blessing List.
My version of the Blessing List looks like this. It is a simple, laminated piece of paper, that has this written on it:
Blessing List
Loving and Praying People into Openness to Jesus
Level 1 – Churched Unbelievers
Level 2 – Seekers
Level 3 – Open to the Message
Level 4 – Open to the Messenger
Level 5 – Distorted or Unaware
Level 6 – Hostile
You can find a free sample Blessing List at my website at:
When you present this to your group, say something like: “All of us have friends and loved ones that need Jesus but don’t know him yet. We want to pray together for some of these people, inviting God to bless them and make Jesus’ love real to them. Who is one person you know that needs to come to know Jesus that you would like us to join you in praying for?”
As each person shares a person’s name, ask them to give a rough estimate from 1 to 6 as to how close or open the person is to accepting Jesus. Then write their name on the laminated Blessing List using an erasable marker. The reason why we laminate the paper and use an erasable marker is so that we move the person’s name up on the 1 to 6 scale as God works in their life.
The biggest challenge in creating the list is that many people will want you to write five or six names on it. But limit people to one or two. Otherwise you end up with an overwhelming number of names. It is better to be focused.
The best time to pray for your Blessing List is right after your icebreaker time. Change up how you do this. Some weeks you can take a couple minutes to pray together for these friends as a group, other weeks have people break up into smaller groups to pray for their loved ones.
I could tell you many wonderful stories of people coming to Christ who were prayed for on our lists. One that is special to me is an older woman named Georgia who was in our group last year. She had prayed for her mother to come to know Christ for over 40 years, but her mom did not make a decision for Jesus until Georgia’s small group members joined her in praying for her mom.
Do you have a way of helping your cell group pray and work together to reach their friends and love ones? If you need a simple, powerful tool, I encourage you to try using a Blessing List.
This article originally appeared here.

Jim Egli

Jim Egli is the Leadership & Missions Pastor at the Vineyard Church in Urbana, IL. He blogs on small groups, discipleship and multisite church ministry at

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