Thank you for downloading our new free ebook:
Starting Organic Churchesby Milt Rodriguez
hope that it has helped you to get started in some way with an organic
expression of the church in your area. We have a few more new
opportunities to help you get started that I wanted to let you know
A New Blog
I have just setup a new blog specifically for folks (like you!) that are desiring to begin organic groups. You can located this blog here:
I have also written the first post for the blog here:
Please feel free to comment on the post as well as leave a review on the book in the form of a comment on the Reviews page. I am hoping that this blog will serve the purpose of a forum type environment where folks can ask questions and comment on the materials presented to help one another.
A Monthly Web Conference
I'm also toying with the idea of presenting a monthly (or quarterly) conference online where I will share some of my experiences in starting organic churches and also share things I have learned to help all of you out there that are just beginning this journey. Of course, it would be free and we would use one of the webinar services available such as StartMeeting or FreeConferenceCall.
Would any of you be interested in that if I end up doing it? If so, please reply to this email and just send me a quick note telling me so.
More Extensive and Personal Help
If you read the ebook: Starting Organic Churches then you know that at the end of the book I make a very Special Offer. This offer is basically my personal help and advice in starting your group.
We have had many people respond to that offer and are currently helping quite a few around the country and even some in other countries as well. However, there are still many of you who never responded back to me about this offer. Of course, this could be for many different reasons. But I just wanted to encourage you again to consider responding to me at this time for some help. Obviously, my time is limited, but I really want to help as much as possible.
So please contact me before my time is completely filled up!
Book Recommendation
There is a book that I have written that will greatly help you to have an understanding (and hopefully a revelation!) of God's eternal purpose in the Church. It's called The Community Life of God and you can read more about it and order it online here:
The Community Life of God

Well, I think that's about it for now. Please let us know if there is any way that we can help you to start your group or help an existing group.
your brother in our gloriously full Christ,
Milt Rodriguez
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