Kamis, 30 Juni 2016

I wasn't going to do this

Hey Church,

I wasn't going to send a reminder about today's webinar.

I figured people get tired of hearing from me more than once a week.

And we're heading into a holiday weekend here in the U.S., so people are busy with that and with summer a stuff, right?

But then I realized that what I have to share is too important.

This weekend we're celebrating "Independence Day" here in the United States.

Naturally, we're thinking about the founding of our country, and where this country is headed.

We know the political, social, and religious upheaval taking place in nations around the world, not just the U.S.

And it seems to me that now (more than ever) we need clear direction about God's Righteous Judgment.

Because I keep hearing people saying God is going to judge America.

As if God isn't going to judge all nations.

As if everything is lost and there's nothing to do now but wait for judgment to fall.

Again, I believe it is a lack of wisdom, and a lack of understanding, as a result of not knowing what judgment truly is, how it works, a why it occurs.

People are more interested in their Doomsday prophecies coming to pass than they are standing the gap to avert judgment.

Well, these things are on my heart (have been for a long time).

So now is a good time to explore these issues together and be better prepared for whatever happens.

It doesn't take a brilliant prophet to prophesy doom, gloom and destruction.

The U.S. is a convenient target for prophetic opportunists trying to get publicity for their "words."

But it takes spiritual maturity to rightly divide the Word and use discernment to understand the purpose for God's judgment, and how that judgment might be delayed, lessened, or avoided altogether.

This applies to ALL NATIONS, not just the U.S.!

So wherever you are in the world, you live in a nation, and that nation falls under the judgment of God to some degree.

What should you expect?

What should you be doing?

Join us LIVE from your computer at one of the two times below to learn more:

-- Option 1 --
THURSDAY, JUNE 30 – 7 PM EDT (New York)
Click here to register for this day and time:

-- Option 2 --
SATURDAY, JULY 2 – 10 AM EDT (New York)
Click here to register for this day and time:

Virtual seating is limited, register now and login early to ensure your connection.

I am your brother,

Chip Brogden

PO Box 282
Bunn NC 27508

Rabu, 29 Juni 2016

How leaders learn

How leaders learn
June 27, 2016

Our conviction is that people in general, and leaders in particular, learn best in community.  A year ago, we began experimenting with Leader Teams which were small, safe communities of people who are leading small groups (house churches, etc.).  These Teams have been very effective at providing both support and equipping for leaders (and they are multiplying in number - we now have 12 Teams).

Here's what we have learned about Leader Teams...

  • They are places where everyone is both a teacher and a learner. They talk about practice not just theory.  We call this a "community of practice".
  • They are places where people can come and be authentic and transparent.  They can talk about the real issues they face as leaders.
  • They are places where we have fun and enjoy each other.
In the video below, you will see some of the people in one Leader Team reflecting on their experience.  This is not theory!  These are real life stories.  (Leader Teams are part of our Leader 101 Course. For more information, go here.)

Click on the picture below to hear these real life reflections on what learning in community is like...

Selasa, 28 Juni 2016

Jim Putman’s Story // Relational Discipleship Network

E02: Jim Putman’s Story // Relational Discipleship Network

This episode is about Jim Putman’s story as a disciple maker. He grew up as a pastor’s son. His father was a church planter, and Jim started to notice the people in the churches his father led. They didn’t seem like they were the real deal to him.

So I asked Jim when he realized that he wanted to see the gospel, not just hear about it. He told me about his relationship with his father, Bill, and how he discipled Jim into the faith.
Jim Putman: “You know I grew up in the church. My dad was broken, but always sincere. He meant it, but as I got older, I started looking at the people in my church….”
Listen to Jim’s full story here: E02: Jim Putman’s Story of Disciple Making

The Disciple Maker’s Podcast exists to tell stories about disciples of Jesus who are effectively making disciples in North America and beyond. Discipleship.org, who produces this podcast, exists to champion Jesus’ way of disciple making. Episodes for The Disciple Maker’s Podcast are published in thematic seasons.

Join the revolution: Make disciples who make disciples of Jesus.
Subscribe: iTunes  |  Android

Yes, Jesus loves me (and sometimes it hurts)

Hey Dave and church,

Last week was a real battle (bad weather, car problems, etc.).

Something (someone?) was dead-set against me delivering that teaching.

But I did it anyway - and the payoff was worth it!

We learned how love and judgment work together.

For example, Jesus said, "Those whom I love, I rebuke and chasten." Ouch!

Not a popular verse with the touchy-feely, "love-is-all-you-need" Christians.

Jesus loves you - and He speaks the Truth in love, seeing you as you are (warts and all) while calling you to move towards what you are CAPABLE of being in Him.

THAT is true love!

THAT is righteous judgment!

This mindset that never speaks up, never speaks out, never speaks against, but always accepts and tolerates without judgment?

THAT is false love, hypocrisy, and foolishness.

So I'm trying to equip YOU to go against the world, go against the church, and go against the crowd so you can go with God, not with man.

Part 3 of this teaching is happening this week!

Join us LIVE from your computer at one of the two times below:

-- Option 1 --
THURSDAY, JUNE 30 – 7 PM EDT (New York)
Click here to register for this day and time:

-- Option 2 --
SATURDAY, JULY 2 – 10 AM EDT (New York)
Click here to register for this day and time:

All you need is a computer and an internet connection.

I am your brother,

Chip Brogden

Minggu, 26 Juni 2016


Saat ini Tuhan tengah membangkitkan umat Tuhan dari beragam profesi dengan sebuah kesadaran dan kerinduan untuk menggenapi amanat agung Tuhan dalam memuridkan dan memperluas kerajaan Tuhan di luar tembok tradisi dan denominasi yang kaku. Larry Krieder dan Floyd McClung menyatakan dalam buku Starting A House Church,” Bila kita hendak menjangkau 3 Miliar orang di muka bumi, yang kebanyakan tinggal di pedesaan tertinggal dan daerah perkotaan yang padat maka tidak memungkinkan kita menggunakan cara program terpadu dan model rohaniwan profesional ala gereja Barat.” Tuhan membangkitkan baik kalangan yang dikenal sebagai rohaniwan maupun awam untuk berjalan bersama memuridkan bangsa-bangsa dan memperluas kerajaan Tuhan tanpa memandang organisasi ataupun profesi  tetapi mau kembali bersama berfungsi sebagai tubuh Kristus.
Institusi gereja telah berkarya menjangkau jiwa-jiwa selama ini namun masih ada banyak jiwa yang belum terjangkau. Simple Church Network hadir untuk mengisi kekosongan dan menjangkau jiwa-jiwa yang selama ini belum terjangkau. Bila orang sulit “di bawa ke gereja” maka kami membawa “gereja ke rumah atau komunitas” mereka. Kami percaya bahwa setiap keluarga layak mendengar berita Injil dan melihat teladan umat Tuhan secara lebih nyata di tengah masyarakat. Kami mempersiapkan semua anak Tuhan menjadi murid Kristus yang siap dan kuat dalam segala situasi, tetap mampu bertumbuh dalam suasana “damai” maupun saat terjadi aniaya. Memiliki fleksibilitas untuk beribadah dalam berbagai kondisi maupun tempat. Penanaman gereja yang kami kerjakan adalah dengan menggunakan pola gereja dalam Perjanjian Baru dimana kita bisa berkumpul bersama di rumah, di taman, di bukit, di gedung ibadah atau berbagai tempat lainnya untuk beribadah…. Baik dalam kelompok besar, kelompok kecil (12-15 orang) atau kelompok mikro (2-3 orang saja).
Simple Church Network merupakan kumpulan para murid Tuhan dan praktisi penanam gereja yang mengikuti model gereja mula-mula. Beberapa kerinduan kami:
·         Kerinduan kami adalah melihat semua keluarga anak Tuhan memulai pemuridan di rumahnya, menghasilkan murid-murid baru di rumah membawa dampak dalam komunitasnya, kotanya, bangsanya dan bangsa-bangsa lain.
·         Kerinduan kami adalah untuk bekerjasama dengan setiap anak Tuhan, komunitas atau jejaring simple church atau gereja rumah lainnya dan institusi gereja yang sudah ada  untuk dapat menjangkau suku terabaikan dan komunitas subkultur di perkotaan maupun pelayanan untuk memberkati kota melalui kegiatan sosial maupun hal lainnya yang diwahyukan Tuhan.
·         Kerinduan kami adalah menjadi katalisator dalam pergerakan pemuridan dan mempersiapkan setiap anak Tuhan untuk terlibat aktif menjadi saksi dan penanam gereja di lingkungannya (sekolah, kampus, kantor, pabrik, dll) sesuai Kisah Para Rasul 1:8.
·         Kerinduan kami adalah berjejaring dengan setiap anak Tuhan, gereja rumah maupun institusi gereja yang memiliki visi untuk menjangkau suku terabaikan dan komunitas subkultur perkotaan, kepedulian terhadap saudara atau gereja teraniaya, pelayanan bagi kaum papah, seperti para janda, anak yatim piatu, gelandangan dan pengungsi, pelayanan kemasyarakatan seperti pro life, ODA/HIV Aids, penanganan bencana alam, dll.
·         Kerinduan kami adalah memperlengkapi jejaring gereja rumah maupun institusi gereja kecil untuk dapat mencapai visi dan misi mereka. Kami bersedia membantu untuk memberikan pelatihan-pelatihan praktis (tujuan pelatihan agar setiap peserta menjadi pelaku dan bukan hanya pendengar), mengadakan proyek pelayanan kemanusiaan, mengutus tim kecil (short terms mission team) dan menjadi rekan dalam perjalanan pelayanan anda tanpa memandang organisasi maupun institusi sebab kita telah dipersatukan oleh Kristus sebagai tubuhNya. Kami sangat menghargai perbedaan dan keunikan setiap individu dan panggilan pelayanan masing-masing.
Harapan kami dapat bekerja bersama tubuh Kristus untuk membawa berita Injil ini sampai ke ujung bumi . Sebagaimana tertulis dalam Injil Matius 24:14, Dan Injil Kerajaan ini akan diberitakan di seluruh dunia menjadi kesaksian bagi semua bangsa, sesudah itu barulah tiba kesudahannya.”
Ladang sudah menguning tetapi pekerja sangat sedikit (Matius 9:37-38). Saya berdoa agar saat ini lebih banyak jiwa dapat melihat tuaian yang sudah menguning itu….. jiwa-jiwa yang membutuhkan kasih Tuhan…memerlukan belaskasihan Tuhan…..NAMUN…….belum ada yang pergi. Doa saya agar umat Tuhan itu dibangkitkan…disadarkan…. Keluar dari balik tembok gereja dan tidak hanya sekedar menjadi orang Kristen penghangat bangku gedung ibadah gereja….. Saya tidak menjanjikan bahwa perjalanan ini akan mudah…… perjalanannya akan sangat berat…. TAPI jangan khawatir sebab Tuhan akan menyertai kita sampai kesudahan zaman bila kita taat melakukan Amanat Agung (Matius 28:18-20, Markus 16:15-18, Kisah Para Rasul 1:8). Adakah yang mau diutus?
Lalu aku mendengar suara Tuhan berkata:”Siapakah yang akan Kuutus, dan siapakah yang mau pergi untuk Aku?” Maka sahutku: “Ini aku, utuslah aku.” (Yesaya 6:8)

Start with simple

Simple works.

There is no merit in making something more complicated than it has to be.

And the first goal of a Christ-centered faith is the acknowledgement of a supremely simple truth:

Jesus is Enough.

Here's my reasoning for keeping it just that simple:

I am your brother,

Chip Brogden

PO Box 282
Bunn NC 27508

Thanks for Downloading My Ebook!

Thank you for downloading our new free ebook:

Starting Organic Churches
by Milt Rodriguez
I hope that it has helped you to get started in some way with an organic expression of the church in your area.  We have a few more new opportunities to help you get started that I wanted to let you know about.

A New Blog
I have just setup a new blog specifically for folks (like you!) that are desiring to begin organic groups.  You can located this blog here:


I have also written the first post for the blog here:


Please feel free to comment on the post as well as leave a review on the book in the form of a comment on the Reviews page. I am hoping that this blog will serve the purpose of a forum type environment where folks can ask questions and comment on the materials presented to help one another.

A Monthly Web Conference

I'm also toying with the idea of presenting a monthly (or quarterly) conference online where I will share some of my experiences in starting organic churches and also share things I have learned to help all of you out there that are just beginning this journey.  Of course, it would be free and we would use one of the webinar services available such as StartMeeting or FreeConferenceCall.

Would any of you be interested in that if I end up doing it?  If so, please reply to this email and just send me a quick note telling me so.

More Extensive and Personal Help

If you read the ebook: Starting Organic Churches then you know that at the end of the book I make a very Special Offer.  This offer is basically my personal help and advice in starting your group.

We have had many people respond to that offer and are currently helping quite a few around the country and even some in other countries as well.  However, there are still many of you who never responded back to me about this offer.  Of course, this could be for many different reasons.  But I just wanted to encourage you again to consider responding to me at this time for some help.  Obviously, my time is limited, but I really want to help as much as possible.

So please contact me before my time is completely filled up!

Book Recommendation

There is a book that I have written that will greatly help you to have an understanding (and hopefully a revelation!) of God's eternal purpose in the Church.  It's called The Community Life of God and you can read more about it and order it online here:

The Community Life of God 


Well, I think that's about it for now.  Please let us know if there is any way that we can help you to start your group or help an existing group.

your brother in our gloriously full Christ,

Milt Rodriguez

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2016

52 Ideas for Fellowship in Your Small Group

52 Ideas for Fellowship in Your Small Group

Fellowship in Your Small Group
The key for group unity and growth is doing life together.
The following is a list of 52 possible fellowship gatherings that groups in my church have used through the years. This list is not exhaustive. There are some great activities that are not on it. Some of these activities will fit your group; others will not. It is meant to serve as an idea starter for your group so you can come up with your own activities and plans for implementing them. The key is to do it together.
1. Have a party the first half of the group meeting. Have everyone bring food, and use the time to talk and laugh and maybe play some games.
2. Have a group picnic.
3. Go to a baseball game.
4. Clean a widow’s house.
5. Serve in the church nursery.
6. Play softball.
7. Have a married couples’ date night.
8. Visit and hold a worship service in a nursing home.
9. Attend a Christian conference or seminar.
10. Go for a bike ride.
11. Camp together.
12. Mow and clean up a retired man’s lawn.
13. Serve food to the poor and homeless in a soup kitchen.
14. Serve as greeters or parking lot attendants for weekend services.
15. Have a cookout.
16. Go bowling.
17. Play volleyball.
18. Pass out Bibles door-to-door.
19. Take a short-term missions trip.
20. Go out to eat at a nice restaurant.
21. Put a roof on a disabled man’s house.
22. Take Christmas dinner and gifts to a needy family.
23. Watch a group member perform in a concert or play.
24. Go for a hike.
25. Help a group member move.
26. Have a holiday party.
27. Watch a special TV program.
28. Play board games.
29. Have a theme party and dress accordingly.
30. Visit a museum.
31. Go Christmas caroling.
32. Play soccer.
33. Go shopping.
34. Have a birthday party.
35. Visit a group member in the hospital.
36. Have an international dinner with a missionary.
37. Have a scavenger hunt.
38. Have an all-night prayer meeting.
39. Attend the funeral for the family member of a group member.
40. Play basketball.
41. Serve as counselors or sponsors at a youth activity.
42. Paint a needy person’s home.
43. Play Frisbee golf.
44. Bake cookies.
45. Serve in children’s church together.
46. Go canoeing or rafting.
47. Have a housewarming or dedication party.
48. Go to a concert.
49. Run an obstacle course.
50. Play paintball.
51. Have a pool party.
52. Go on a prayer walk.

John Fenn, Misdirection

Hi all,
In the top drawer next to our stove are 40 large spoons, ladles, knives and other assorted things one might need when preparing food and cooking on the stove. (Yes, I counted them) At least 30 of those in my opinion are clutter, as Barb and I generally use just our favorite 'go to' utensils on a day to day basis.  
One day I was trying in vain to find my favorite slotted spoon as I was cooking spaghetti sauce or something, but it was hidden deep among the 40, and I couldn't find it anywhere. So I grabbed handfuls of spoons and knives and such and laid them on the counter and sifted through them like I was a giant gray headed squirrel looking for the perfect acorn, but not finding it, leaving about 20 items still in the drawer.
Just then Barb walked past, and seeing the mess I was making scattering utensils across her formerly uncluttered counter top, stopped and asked what in the world I was doing with that tone of voice that was both amused and slightly annoyed.
When I told her I was looking for my favorite plastic tipped slotted spoon, she looked down into the open drawer, reached in and pulled out my spoon from among the 20 and plopped it down on the counter loudly, shaking her head and muttering something about 'men' to herself as she walked away. Sheepishly I uttered a 'Thanks honey' and wondered how in the world I couldn't see it sitting there in plain sight.
What I've been talking about
The last 6 weeks I've talked about Christians who are emotionally unhealthy, about abusers and the abused, and many readers have noticed they are related topics. Today I want to share a common thread, and that is in both cases their unhealthiness causes them to focus on things that take them away from the Prime Directive from the Lord, which is: Daily becoming more like Him.
Anything and anyone that takes us away from growth as a person in Him, is a distraction and often a plan of the enemy to make us look at the 39 things in the drawer of life to the point we can't see the all-important 40th thing, which is what we really need: Christ.
When a person is emotionally unhealthy or an abuser all they see is the object of their pain, the source of what they believe is their problem. They can't emotionally 'step back' from the issue to see the larger picture. That singular focus causes them to lay aside growth in Christ in order to address their crisis, or whatever is the object of their attention and affection. That could include an off balance teaching, or focus on a legitimate Bible teaching just taken to such an extreme they ignore balance, or a person who has made them angry. Either way, they stray off the path of balance and wholeness in order to devote themselves to a single point.
Is your focus in life leading you deeper into maturity in Him, or away from maturity in Him?
"Giving all diligence add to your faith moral excellence, and to that add knowledge, and to that self-control, and to that consistency, and to that godly character, and to that brotherly love, and to that unconditional love." II Peter 1:1-10
"Walk in the Spirit/spirit and you won't walk in the flesh, the fruit of the Spirit/spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering,  gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, and self control." Galatians 5:22-23
"If I speak with tongues of men and of angels yet don't have love, I'm like a brass bell or cymbal. If I prophesy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and have all faith so that I could even remove mountains, yet don't have love, I am nothing."
(Many distractions and off balance teachings and 'moves of God' come under the heading of mysteries and knowledge - are those interests leading you deeper into the love of God and love for the people in your life, or does your focus cause division and alienation?)
"Even if I give all I have to the poor and even if I am martyred by being burned to death, yet don't have love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind. Love doesn't envy, doesn't exalt itself, doesn't get puffed up in pride. Love doesn't behave incorrectly, nor does it seek to push itself above others. Love isn't easily provoked, nor does it think evil of others. It doesn't rejoice in sin, but rejoices in the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails..." I Corinthians 13:1-8 
Here is how to stay free of offense
When you have deep in your heart the Prime Directive of growing in Christ, you understand anything that comes your way is first to be treated as an opportunity to walk in greater Christ-like character.
As a result, you won't be offended by someone who believes differently than you because you will take what they believe under advisement to the King, realizing what they believe they believe unto the Lord, and you stay emotionally separated from what they believe even if you think it is a goofy as can be. You are looking for how what they believe and your interactions with them cause you to grow deeper in Christ and cause you to exercise Christ-like character and growth.
You won't be offended because someone chooses to worship on a different day than you, or is mid-trib when you are pre-trib, or think tongues and miracles faded with the first century of the faith. You won't be inclined to enter into the aforementioned 'word battles' because you are exercising Christ's patience and knowing that what they believe they do unto the Lord - He accepts them in spite of themselves, so you do as well. You don't make their issues your issues. All you are looking for is the grace of God in them, looking for what He has done in their life, and how you can grow in Christ in your interactions with them. 
Righteousness comes through faith in Christ, but is unproven, as I've said many times. Anyone can say they are born again. Anyone can say they love God but He remains unseen at that point. God in His wisdom has caused righteousness in Christ to be proven and matured within the framework of relationships, and that is how He is seen and how a person is proven to know God.
That means things like adding moral excellence, knowledge, consistency and patience, love and joy, patience and meekness, self control and long suffering, seen in scripture are all written with the understanding these things grow in us through the ups and downs of relationships. That's how we know Christ is in us, and in our spouse, our friend, our sibling, our neighbor - because they are endeavoring to live out their righteousness within the framework of healthy relationships.
That means God intends marriage to make us holy
God intends our relationships with our neighbors to make us holy. God intends our relationships with our families to make us holy. Every relationship is intended by the Father to help us (and them if they are willing) grow in Christ, maturing as people each day.
Your spouse isn't in your life just to complete you, be your soul mate, or to make you laugh. While elements of those things and more may be part of the mix, the primary purpose for a married couple is their differences will lend themselves to growth in Christ, both individually and as a couple, thus becoming one.
Your boss isn't there to make you angry or frustrated, but that Christ may work within that relationship to mature you. Your neighbor's barking dog isn't there to irritate you, but to afford you an opportunity to grow in Christ and do good to your neighbor, proving you know Christ by letting His love be manifest towards them.
That which causes us to retreat into ourselves, that causes us to retreat from walking in closeness with our spouse, friends, and neighbors, is a distraction and in direct conflict with the purpose Jesus put us on this earth. Righteousness is proven within the framework of relationships.
What we really need is hiding in plain site among the 40 things in life we are juggling, we just have to stop paying attention to the 39 to see the 40th, which is Christ. As Paul said in his closing words to the Galatians: "Neither Jew nor Gentile means anything, but the power of the new birth. And peace is on all who live by this principle.." Stay focused on Him and ask, "How do you want me to grow in this?"
A 'random thought' next week, until then, blessings,
John Fenn
www.cwowi.org and email me at cwowi@aol.com
New CD/MP3 Series
This series goes into details of Paul's instructions to Timothy concerning Christians who Paul calls 'emotionally sick' or 'mentally ill', and how he should handle such people. Paul tells of Christians who reject healthy spiritual teaching in favor of arguments over words and word meanings and off-balance teaching, who focus so much on 1 topic or 1 issue within them that logic, friends, teaching, and encouragement to return to balance elude them. Paul outlines many characteristics of the emotionally ill believer, describing them as having a morbid fascination with something that becomes a mental disease to them - and outlines how to help them and how to pray for them. For anyone who knows that certain person in their life who is emotionally and spiritually unhealthy, the listener will gain understanding and insight with a view towards restoration for that person.


In David the King we look at the Psalms he wrote after King Saul died, but before David's son Absalom rebelled against him and sent him into exile. The Psalms take on a different tone than in part 1 of the series, and include prophecy about Jesus, because during this peaceful time in his life he is able to focus on worship and the goodness of the Lord. We look at his Psalm that was shouted at Jesus on Palm Sunday, and the Hallel, which Jesus and the disciples sung on the night He was betrayed, and its prophecy. The series also looks at the Psalm David wrote when he was confronted about his affair with Bathsheba. David the King gives wonderful insight into the tenderness of the heart of David, his heart for his son, Solomon, and so much more!