Jumat, 22 Januari 2016

3 Killer Lessons from THE WALKING DEAD

"We are more willing to attack one another than to band together and fight the enemy."

~ Lance Wallnau

In my December blog post, I outlined 4 sobering (and uncommon) observations about ISIS.

If you didn't get a chance to read the entire article on my blog, there's a link to it at the bottom of this blog post.

Now on to another current issue.

AMC's TV drama The Walking Dead is the highest rated series in cable television history.

I'm not a zombie guy (though some mornings, I might resemble one).

Unlike many of my peers who possess a Y chromosome, slashy-burny-butcher-gore films don't appeal to me.

It's for this reason that I've stayed clear of watching The Walking Dead.

That is, until a friend told me that the show is largely about surviving in community over against blowing zombie carcasses to the moon.

So I gave it a try. And I was hooked in the first season. (In many ways, The Walking Day is similar to the TV show LOST -- which I thought was superb.)

Recently, I finished every episode of The Walking Dead to date.

Beyond the compelling characters, rich storylines, and incomparable acting, the parallels to the spiritual walk are impressive. The gruesome scenes, notwithstanding.

What follows are three critical lessons I observed while watching. And yes, if you're subscribed to my list, you must use the link below to read the whole article because you'll have no idea what I'm about to say otherwise. (Trust me, you want to know, even if you don't watch The Walking Dead or have zero intentions of ever doing so.)

Warning: if you're one of those befuddled souls who got on my mailing list by some freak accident in a parallel universe, our beloved Blog Manager moderates all comments. So if you write something that's downright nasty, you'll be blocked faster than Bill Clinton's arteries.

PO Box 140370
Gainesville Florida 32614

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