Senin, 19 Desember 2016

Your Small Group Can Really Become a Family in 2017

Everything changes, but not always as quickly as I hope for! My first grandson is due tomorrow, but we were hoping he’d make an early appearance. Soon and very soon... and what a new year Team K will have!
Something else that I am really excited about for 2017: Tina and I are opening our home here for a very rare learning experience for just a few folks. I really hope you’ll be a part of this with Team K...

The SHIFT Learning Community exists to empower and equip Christian small groups and their leaders to become vibrant missional communities, making disciples that make disciples in the everyday rhythms of life.
This unique immersive learning community happens in our home and community with a team of leaders. It includes weekly video coaching between a series of 3-Day Immersion experiences for one year. 
Please at least hit this link and check it out before we miss this unique learning experience
To the best year on mission ever!
P.S. SHIFT will be limited to 30 people and will definitely mark your life, family and church forever.

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