Senin, 19 Desember 2016

Kids are waiting to drink clean water

Hi Church,
"My child had sores on his arms and he was always sickly with intestinal disease. Since receiving our water filter, he has become well for the first time. This has changed our lives!"
500 more families urgently need your help!

100% of your gift will directly fund water filters.


Now is a critical time
Your gift of one water filter for a rural community will provide:
  • Clean water for many families saving lives and healing sick children
  • Entry into a community resulting in families reached, baptized, and new churches planted
The World Health Organization estimates that 50% of malnutrition is associated with diarrheal disease and intestinal worms. These diseases are caused by unsafe drinking water, lack of basic hygiene knowledge and practice, and inadequate sanitation. 

These water filters not only save lives, but they have been proven to open doors into communities where the Gospel can be planted and churches birthed. Hundreds of churches have now been planted through the church planting movement in Rwanda and Burundi. By providing more water filters, this movement will continue to reach many people who are trapped in spiritual and material poverty.
Now is a critical time
Together we can provide water filters for 500 more families and see new churches planted in many villages as a result!
Give hope and health with us today!

Much Love,
Roger & Brooks

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