Hi all,
Last week I shared how the Son had to first be given so that He could become the child born, but how did that transition happen?
How did the Son given become the child born?
What was He thinking?!
I get into the mechanics of how the Son transitioned from heaven to
conception within Mary, first let's look at His humble heart, because we
wouldn't even have the babe conceived in Mary if He wasn't so humble.
Philippians 2: 6-8 says the Son "...existed in the form of God, but He did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped*, but emptied Himself,
taking upon Himself the form of a person, being made like a man and
finding Himself in the form of man, submitted Himself to death, even the
death of the cross."
Son did not regard equality with the Father as something to be
'grasped'. That just doesn't come close to the Greek Paul used when
writing this. The Greek word is 'harpagmos', from the root 'harpazo'
which means 'to seize and
carry off by force.' It was used in both active voice and passive,
meaning it can mean something active - that of a person
seizing something and caring it off, or passively as in the case here,
meaning someone who holds onto a prize (or doesn't hold onto it).
We would say it this way: "Christ...counted it not a prize to be held onto that He was on an equality with God."
This is an amazing revelation about the humble nature of Jesus. When He later said "...learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart"*,
He was telling the truth. He IS meek and lowly in heart. Meek means
'gentle, mild' and lowly means 'humbleness, lowliness of mind'. The meek
Messiah King is described* as "Look! Your King comes to you meek and
riding on a donkey, even a colt, the foal of a donkey." *Matthew 11:28-30, *Matthew 21:5
other key phrase is 'emptied Himself' - He did not empty Himself of His
Godhood nor cease to be what He eternally was - He simply gave up all
the rights and privileges of being God's only Son that He might live as a
mere man. In this way, the truth of who He was and is must be
spiritually discerned and known in the heart.
This is why...
He isn't Hollywood Jesus. He isn't impressed by the fancy trappings nor hierarchy through
which He is presented. We can measure how well a person actually knows
the person of Jesus by the degree to which they are impressed with
'things' and the appearance of 'things'. The Son given HAD to be humble of heart in order to become as one of His creations, the child born.
is because of His humility that He is at ease no matter His
surroundings, from the most opulent palace to the most humble home, for
He is neither impressed nor offended - that is our Lord. The passage in
Philippians 2:5 above starts out, "Have this same mind in you that was
in Christ Jesus..."
we have that same humility? Are we equal parts unimpressed with
'things' and presentation as we are not offended when surrounded by the
humble and lowly? Do we curl our noses up at someone poorly dressed at a
store, or do we see them humbly, through God's eyes? Do we react to
well dressed and beautiful people differently than we do the average
looking and humbly attired?
we assert ourselves over others in conversation, or just state the
facts? If we truly know Him and spend time with Him in our hearts, we
will gradually become transformed into His image of humility...so if you
see the opposite in someone labeled 'Christian', be aware they are
still growing. "Have this same mind in you, which was first also in
Christ Jesus..."
often asked people for a show of hands if they've ever been in a
service or meeting where they felt like Jesus was walking in their
midst. Usually several hands are raised. Then I ask if He ever took over
the meeting, ever asserted Himself or inserted Himself into what was
happening? Never. He is Lord of all, yet is content to walk humbly among
His friends.
was leading a Bible school chapel service, and during the worship I
suddenly saw the Lord walking up the steps of the platform, stopping
directly in front of me. I immediately knelt before Him and was
astounded to hear Him say, "I'd like to minister to my people", to which
I responded, "You're the Lord, of course, be free to do whatever you
want to do."
stood up and motioned to the woman leading worship to continue, and
then turned to watch the Lord walking among the roughly 200 students as
they worshipped, stopping here and there to tell people things. After a
few minutes He walked back up the steps of the platform to once again
stand in front of me, saying, "Thank you for allowing me to minister to
my people. So few do. So many stick to their schedule and agenda rather
than allowing me to truly touch my people." With that He turned, took
His customary 2 1/2 steps, and in the middle of that third step He
I thought how humble, how amazing, and how humbled was I that day! I learn so much with each visitation, each time around Him.
So now that we understand the humility of the Lord, to how He transitioned
author of Hebrews is making his point of the inability of the Old
Testament sacrifices to permanently do away with sin, saying they had to
be made over and over and over again, and a 1 time permanent sacrifice
was needed. That 1 time great sacrifice would take away sin, therefore
ushering in a new covenant with man.
"For it isn't possible that the blood of bulls and goats would take away sins. Therefore when He came into the world He said, 'Sacrifice and offerings you have not desired, but a body you have prepared for Me...'" Hebrews 10:4-7
He came into the world" isn't being born, but being conceived. "...a
body you have prepared Me" He said. The Father providing through Mary's
egg a human body for the One who emptied Himself of all rights and
privileges as God's Son in heaven.
2:8 simply says 'And being found in fashion as a man', or, "And being
found in appearance as a man', or "And having become man'.
When Mary innocently asked how it would happen, the angel Gabriel told her in Luke 1:35 'The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you (as a cloud), therefore the holy child born of you will be called the Son of God."
Son of God emptied Himself of all rights and privilege as God's only
Son, while retaining His Sonship, to be conceived in Mary, and upon
leaving heaven stated 'A body you have prepared me'. By the Holy Spirit
who overshadowed a teenage girl, using her egg to provide a body, He
was conceived in her womb.
That is humble, meek, lowly. And we'll pick it up right there next week. Until then, blessings,
John Fenn
www.cwowi.org and email me at cwowi@aol.com
New CD/MP3 Series
Just a word about our On-line Video Bible School
- these classes, so far; Old Testament I & II, Righteousness and
Our Authority in Christ - are a go-at-your-own-pace, no test, investment
in your own faith and understanding of the Word and Lord. Once
registered, your password is good for a whole year so you can take your
time, but as I'm hearing from students, once they start they have a hard
time stopping! Each class is about 45-55 minutes long, so they are in
easy to receive segments...consider investing in a deeper study of the
things of God!
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