Senin, 19 Desember 2016


Transforming America

December 9, 2016

Last week, in Chapter Five of the book I'm writing, I shared with you the disturbing question that came to me in the late 1980s when I was on staff of a megachurch.  It caused me to see that the picture of "church" in my head after many years as a pastor was significantly different from the picture of "church" in Jesus' head.  Definitely disturbing!

There were three things that I had discover the about churches in the New Testament  (i.e., the ones started by the guys that hung out with Jesus). The first was that church was really family.  Huge implications!

The second insight came from a single verse that I came across one day.  I realized that this one verse gave the clearest picture of what actually happened when the early churches met.  Why had I never seen this before? And, why had no one that I knew preached or taught about this verse?  And, even more important, how could this actually be implemented? In Chapter Six, I'll share with you what that verse was and why it was so important.

Go here to read Chapter Six.  (And, to see a photo of me preaching back in the 1970s!)

Then, share your comments at the bottom of the post.  I'm counting on you and your comments to help me write this book!  By the way, I haven't made a decision about the final title of this book.  I'd love to hear your suggestions.

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