Jumat, 22 Januari 2016

sleeping on a dirt floor

Hi Dave,
You help us reach some of the most challenging areas of the world...

You take part in reaching to the remotest areas

Malawi_girlPerhaps you would like to visit the Turkana area of Kenya where you will be sleeping on a dirt floor in a hot and dusty village? Or how about a trip to the Tonga tribe in Malawi where you can help haul firewood several miles on your head for the day’s cooking.

Because of your support of national teams in Kenya and D.R. Congo, these remote areas are being reached by African leaders who are well trained in instigating new disciplemaking movements and are much more able to culturally adapt to these situations then you or I.

Steven, a Congolese, is in Malawi this month reaching, training, and beginning new networks of believers in some of the most remote areas. “I felt such a burden for the people of Malawi that it was like a pain in my body. I just had to go,” he says.
"I felt such a burden for the people of Malawi that it was like a pain in my body. I just had to go."
turkanaAnd Omondi, from Kenya, is regularly traveling with others to the northern area of Turkana where people are hungry for spiritual truth. He writes:

“Turkana is a dry area, very hot, and very primitive. The roads too are also poor as this whole region is neglected by the government. Many people still walk in sheets as only a few of them can afford clothes. But we have been blessed to get connected with some good brothers who are taking the gospel of hope to the locals. They are already doing a very good work. In fact, in some areas where people have been discipled, there has been a reduction in cattle rustling. The local people are very happy about this and say that, now, they are even able to sleep!”
You, us, and these national leaders-- teaming together to touch the most remote places on earth!
Thank you for your partnership in changing lives!
With love,
Roger & Brooks

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