Jumat, 22 Januari 2016

Nothing Impossible With God

Nothing Impossible With God

“The things which are impossible
with men are possible with God.”
LUKE 18:27

Once God has determined to do something, is there anything, or anyone, that can resist Him? Is man more powerful than God, or does it only seem that way sometimes? It does appear that God, in His infinite wisdom and loving-kindness and patience, chooses to delay the fulfillment of His Will. Man can try to withstand it, the devil can rebel against it, and by collaborating with man can even appear to hinder and prevent it temporarily – but in the end, God will have His Will.
Let no one mistake God’s longsuffering for any inability to bring about His desire and accomplish His Purpose. His plan is unavoidable and irresistible.
Source: The Irresistible Kingdom by Chip Brogden

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