Posted: 11 May 2015 04:32 AM PDT
Most of you know that I’m built for collaboration.Team work and co-laboring are part of my DNA.
Speaking historically, it’s obvious to me that the Lord has done far more when His servants worked in teams than He has with individuals flying solo, no matter how gifted those individuals happened to be.
Moving the discussion over to the secular realm, both The Beatles and Led Zeppelin were super groups. What they accomplished together trumped (by far) what each artist accomplished on their own after the bands dissolved and each member went solo.
For these reasons, a ministry coalition is something that deeply appeals to me.
Because I believe so much in the team-concept, I’ve done writing collaborations with Leonard Sweet, Mary DeMuth, Greg Boyd, Derwin Gray, and George Barna.
That said, some of you have expressed your desire to see me involved in a Christ-centered ministry coalition.
I fully resonate with that desire, for it’s been in my own heart for many years.
So here’s what we’re going to do.
I want you to dream a little bit.
If you could wave a wand and make this happen, name 3 people who you’ve benefited from through their writings and/or speaking that you’d like to see on a ministry team with me.
They could be males, females, pastors, authors, conference speakers, Bible teachers, etc. Anyone who has a visible ministry today.
Pick whomever you wish (they just have to be alive!).
Let me say this for the sake of those of you who are new to the blog and only know my work from way back in 2008 when I wrote a few books on ecclesiology.
The coalition I’m speaking about will NOT be focused on “church.” It will be a team that focuses on the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s mission, the gospel, and the Christian life.
Consequently, our target audience would be all Christians from all church forms and denominational flavors.
The team would probably do some or all of the following:
* speak together in conferences and seminars.
* collaborate on writing projects.
* create a joint website featuring articles by each of the team members.
* peer review each other’s work – i.e., written articles, spoken messages, (think C.S. Lewis, J.R. Tolkien, and The Inklings).
* periodically meet together for prayer, mutual encouragement, and strategic planning.
Type your 3 picks in the comments section below. (The Blog Manager
has adjusted the comments section so that no one will see anyone else’s
selections. But I will see them.)In a future podcast, I plan to talk further about this subject and unveil the people who received the most selections.
So if you want to hear it, make sure you’re subscribed to the podcast.
I’m really looking forward to what you come up with!
As a postscript, I’ll be speaking in several live events this year. So if you’ve not yet filled out our Events Form (or you did a very long time ago), you can do so here.
The Form is how we notify people about the live events in which I speak.

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