The 'curse of the
generations' is generally regarded as demonic influence, sickness,
disease, or sins which have traveled down family lines to us from past
generations of relatives, affecting our ability to gain healing,
deliverance, and wholeness today. Many teachings on 'the curse of the
generations' have become wildly unscriptural, yet are so established in
Christian culture that many believe they are believing the Word on this
subject, but are actually believing non-sense that God doesn't have
anything to do with. This series separates fact from fiction, looking
into the Word to uncover God's teachings on the subject. For many, this
teaching can be a key to freedom long sought for as it will provide Old
Testament understanding in light of New Testament truths on how to stop
familial spirits and how to stand strong and firm in Christ.
(2 cd/MP3, $12/set or MP3 $10)
You may manage your subscription (change email, un-subscribe, etc) by clicking the link at the bottom of this page. And remember to use to email me personally.

Hi all,
summer I turned 16 Barb was still 15 and we hadn't started dating yet
though I liked her; I just didn't have the nerve nor know-how to ask her
out on a date. But that summer day I took a step closer - I had heard
Wildcat Creek was flooded due to the heavy rains we'd recently had, and
about 4 miles (6 km) west of my home was a neighborhood built around a
golf course called 'Green Acres', and the Creek wound through it. I
invited Barb and her best friend to float the creek with me and some
course we didn't tell our parents we were going to float down a
flooded, debris filled creek! (We told them the truth, we were going
swimming, just not where we were going swimming. :)
Stupid, stupid, stupid
would jump in and float downstream a few minutes, climb out, walk
across the golf course to our starting point and do it again and again.
The creek was flooded with branches and even small trees, and beneath
the surface we knew the biggest danger was getting a leg caught in a
sunken tree branch and being dragged under by the intense current. So we
kept reminding each other to keep our legs tight under us as we
floated, or better yet, float on the surface on our backs or stomachs.
were nervous but we appeared brave and confident. We wore big smiles
partly out of sheer joy and part not wanting to appear scared. Inside
we WERE scared of being pulled under, but other than the occasional loud
cry of pain after hitting a leg on a sunken tree, you'd never know it;
all was calm on the surface.
I dropped the girls back at their homes that afternoon we talked
of multiple bruises on our legs, thighs, and backs from hitting
underwater obstacles, but we thought that was the price to pay for the
Keeping up appearances
us floating down the creek appearing calm on the outside but beneath
the surface doing all we could to keep our heads above water, religion
tends to emphasis the outward appearance while never touching the inner
appearance of the heart, which is often bruised and battered from life
as our legs and thighs were.
many of us have had that Sunday morning rush to church with dad yelling
at mom to hurry up and mom yelling at little Joey to find his other
shoe with everyone grumpy and angry up to the point the car stops in the
church parking lot.
as if by magic snot disappears from little Joey's face, the sisters
stop slapping each other, mom and dad forget the chaos and tempers of
the morning, and in walks the perfect Christian family with smiles
plastered across their faces as neatly as every hair has been combed
or brushed into place.
Do you think God sees the outside of the perfect family, or the hearts of the perfect family?
What happened to Elijah
had an amazing victory over the prophets of Baal by God's fire
consuming his sacrifice.* And God's demonstration of power fit neatly
into the various religions in the area's idea of the gods - earth, wind,
and fire - so it was a loud message to the people of Baal. They
believed the gods were in - inhabited - those elements. Among other
designations, Baal was the Canaanite Thunder God, so God answering by
booming fire was a statement that He was more powerful than any god of
earth, wind and fire. *I Kings 18:16-40
immediately after that Jezebel threatened Elijah's life and he ran in
fear to a cave*. In his despair he complained to the Lord and the
Lord responded. First was a very strong wind, but the Lord was not in the wind. Then there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. Then came fire, but He was not in the fire.
came, in the Hebrew, "a sound like a whisper" or "a gentle whisper",
and the Lord was heard in that whisper. *I Kings 19:9-12
idea of God being in the whisper was revolutionary. Every religion
around Israel believed their god was external in the forces of nature -
gods of the visual, of keeping up appearances, outwardly focused. But
God revealed to Israel He was all about the internal, the invisible, the
motives, the still small voice. He could be found in the heart, in the
motives, in the whisper - and that was new!
The meeting at the cave changed everything
Lord answered Elijah in the whisper of the heart. This God isn't like
other gods, He is concerned with the innermost being. This God is a
Spirit* and therefore He communicates to a person's spirit in the
spirit of man is the home of our sense of self-worth, our purpose in
life, our love of self, and this is where God demonstrated to Elijah
that He lives. This God commanded Israel to love others as they loved
themselves*, and no other god had ever wanted its subjects to love
themselves and then express that love to others. *John 4:24, Leviticus 19:18
That moment at the cave changed everything, the cave represents the human heart,
the hiding place where God whispers to us. David demonstrated he knew
this as well, for when he was confronted about his sin with Bathsheba he
wrote Psalm 51 in repentance, saying in v6:
"Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts (spirit and soul); and in the hidden part (spirit) you will make me to know wisdom." The spirit of man is where God sees us, requiring truth and revealing His wisdom.
learned this when he was sent to anoint the new king after King Saul
backed away from the Lord and had to be replaced. Samuel went to Jesse's
house and lined up all his sons, thinking the oldest, Eliab, would be
the natural choice, but the Lord instead replied:
"...for the Lord sees not as man sees, for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7
the centuries leading to Elijah's cave experience, Israel had lost
their way. Have we? Has church culture? Do we or our church culture
focus on the whisper, or on the external expressions of appearance
designed to attract and impress? Religions try to approach God on
external terms, putting up a good front, like the prophets of Baal,
thinking that is what He wants. But He is found in the internal whisper.
Jesus took away the sin of the world, with all of our individual sins
within that sin, Jesus took away all need for false appearances, any
need for a facade, any need for a false front for the sake of the gods. Jesus made the way for us to be honest with ourselves, and with the Father.
There is no fear in Him knowing us way down where we whisper our
innermost thoughts and motives to ourselves. He is in the whisper too.
that is why this most humble God, the Father of the also meek and lowly
of heart* Lord Jesus, says "Come with boldness to my throne to receive
mercy and grace to help in a time of need."* He knows the heart for He
lives in the whisper, so stop keeping up appearances and just let Him
know how hard you are paddling beneath the surface, getting bumped and
hit by unseen obstacles - whisper in your heart to Him and then pause to
hear Him whisper back. Stop looking for Him in the earth, wind and
fire. *Matthew 11:29, Hebrews 4:16
Close your eyes and listen for the whisper.
More next week, blessings,
John Fenn and email me at
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