Posted: 24 Feb 2015 02:00 AM PST
Jesus made the statement “my time is not yet come” several times in the Gospels.The point of this statement is that there is a certain time for significant events and seasons which occur in a servant of God’s life.
This is especially true for ministry.
If God has called you to a specific work, there is a time in which that work will find its greatest fulfillment and its widest impact.
If you launch out and try to make things happen before your time has come, you will see little fruit and a lot of frustration.
If you are passive and miss your time, you will see little fruit.
The good news is that God will let you know when your time has come. If you’re in tune with the Spirit, it will become obvious.
Note that you can be in ministry now, and yet “your time” still hasn’t yet come.
In the meantime, it’s your responsibility to prepare for that time.
“The secret to success in life is for a man to be ready for his time when it comes.” ~ Benjamin Disraeli
In the same vein, former heavyweight boxer Joe Frazier said, “When the action starts, you’re down to reflexes. That’s where your road work shows. If you cheated on that in the dark of the morning, you’re getting found out now under the bright lights.”
I have a sense that some of you who read this blog are destined to have amazing ministries in the future.
What you do now in preparation, however, is going to determine how much impact you will have when your time finally arrives.
Are you reading the right books now?
Are you investing the right training now?
Are you building the right reflexes into your life now?
The answer will be revealed when your time has come.

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