His Loss, Our Gain
“He made Him who knew no sin
to be sin for us, that we might become the
righteousness of God in Him.”
When we submit to the Cross, God identifies us with Christ just the same
as if we were sinless. Jesus becomes our wisdom, righteousness,
sanctification, and redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30). It does not say
that He gives these things to us, it says He is these things to us.
Was Jesus crucified for His sins? No, He was crucified for our sins. Are
we now wise, righteous, sanctified, and redeemed because of anything we
have done? No, God simply identifies us together with Christ, as if we
were crucified together with Him. He loses everything and we gain
everything. This is why salvation begins with repentance, surrender, and
faith in Christ and His finished work on the Cross. It cannot be
accomplished otherwise. What a glorious Lord we have!
Source: Embrace the Cross by Chip Brogden
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