Your quality of life here on earth has a lot to do with Secular Authority - what is allowed or disallowed by the government of the nation in which you live.
The Bible declares that the world and everyone in it belongs to God.
He is concerned for the nations, and He is concerned for all people, everywhere.
So God tells us to "pray for kings, and for all who are in authority."
Here's why this matters.
You can pray all you want for your needs or the needs of others.
But if the king, president, prime minister, dictator, or other secular authority in your country decides to limit your freedom, torture you for your faith, or restrict the free exercise of your beliefs, then your quality of life is threatened and the Kingdom of God suffers loss.
Just take a look at how Christians are being treated in Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, China, or North Korea (just to name a few).
From my point of view, freedom isn't free.
Those of us who live in the "free world" have a duty to (at least!) pray for our brothers and sisters in nations with governments hostile to basic human rights and religious freedoms.
But praying for the PERSECUTED isn't enough - we also need to pray for the PERSECUTORS.
It is the government (flesh-and-blood people running the country) who either persecute Christians or do nothing to stop it from happening.
The Bible tells us exactly how to pray these secular authorities in and out of power.
And that's important, because those of us in the "free world" are seeing secular authorities becoming increasingly belligerent towards Christian ideals, speech and expression.
What can you do?
Most will do nothing and will suffer the consequences.
But the most important, effective thing you can do to make an impact TODAY is: learn how to "pray for kings, and for all who are in authority."
In other words: learn how to use Spiritual Authority to deal with Secular Authority.
God raises up, and God puts down, as we cooperate with Him in our intercessions for the nations.
This teaching series will show you how and why:
(This is Part 2; you can access Part 1 from this page if you missed it.)
I am your brother,
Chip Brogden
The School of Christ
Sonrise Television
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