Receiving Christ As All
“Because of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became
to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption.”
Have you ever seen a brother or a sister try to act sanctified? They
wear themselves and everyone else out. It is a burden to be around such a
person. That is not Christianity.
Christianity is this: not that I am trying to be wise, but that I
receive the Lord Jesus as my Wisdom; not that I am trying to be
righteous, but that I receive the Lord Jesus as my Righteousness; not
that I am trying to be sanctified, but that I receive the Lord Jesus as
my Sanctification; not that I am trying to be redeemed, but that I
accept the Lord Jesus as my Redemption. Henceforth I cease trying to be
anything, and I allow Him to be Who He is through me.
Source: Lord of All by Chip Brogden
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