Women and their stories I have met along the way:
Brenda's husband died of HIV AIDS. She was worship leader in her church. When her husband died, church members brought her into the city to be tested. She had been infected and was now HIV positive. Because of this, they told her to leave; they would not let her lead singing any more and would not touch her or anything she had touched. Excommunicated from her church and community, she felt so much rejection and sadness. Now a widow with AIDS, she was alone and left with nothing, not even self-respect. A fellow widow, Rose, reached out to her to meet at her home with other widows. There they meet every night to discuss their problems, finding solace and comfort in each other and prayer and focusing on the One who does love them and promises to care for them. Today Brenda shares her testimony. She received (and took) the drugs offered to counter the AIDS virus, she walks in faith and courage, knowing God has lifted her and saved her for a purpose. Without fail, she spends every day volunteering to meet with others infected. She goes to their homes, to those who are in hospitals, educating them, encouraging them to take the medicines, to receive the help that is offered to them. Man may reject, but God loves. There is a Hope and a Future. She shares her life as a testimony to this.Salome
"My husband was a drunkard. In the mornings he would leave without even taking tea. He was away even til late at the night time. I didn't know what to do. I had children and was with this man. I prayed, 'God, what will even you do?' Then one day my husband said to me, 'I want to go with you to church. Wake me in time to go. Get water for bathing and give me something to eat.' I even forgot about this and left to go, but when I passed by the gate, I remembered and went back and woke him up. I was surprised that he got up, ate the little porridge I made, cleaned in the water I brought and came with me. He told the others he was a drunkard, he smoked, he was taking drugs since he was a youth (he is now 28 years old). They prayed for him and my testimony is that since that day he does not drink; he does not smoke; he does not do drugs since even a year ago."Today this family meets in their home with the husband and wife and their children. Some of the neighbors join them. Excited by her new life, Salome traveled some distance to her parent's home. She told her in-laws about their son and meeting in relationship with God and a community of caring Believers becoming everyday followers of Jesus Christ, living simply and authentically, helping, loving and supporting each other. The in-laws saw and heard and believed. I met the grown sister-in-law. Her lifestyle is changing she says. Where once she was with men, now she finds the love and comfort and answers she has been seeking in God's love and provision. Salome's brother is now embracing his brother-in-law's perspective on marriage and parenting, lifting, supporting, being present to his wife and children. Salome's husband is alert, excited, alive living a life he only dreamed could happen for him. He meets with men in his home now once a week, testifying and sharing the transformational love of God in very real ways.
Mildred shared her story of suffering from when she was a young girl of much pain from "female problems (physical)." She was told that she would never have any children. When she married, her husband knew this and accepted it. They were destined to live and be different and "less than" in a society where children are plentiful and a testimony of blessing. Today Mildred has four children. Her testimony is real and undeniable. She shares with many women what she has received … Hope. An unspoken proclamation of generations of struggling and hardship and poverty can and is being replaced with transformation in minds, in hearts, in lives … if you believe.

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