Following Jesus: Urgency
Yet another said, “I will follow you, Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my home.” Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” ~ Luke 9:61, 62 (ESV)READING: Luke 9:57-62
When I was in college I made a trip back to my hometown. An old friend and I spent hours talking in the city park. I shared the gospel and urged him to become a Christian that night. He told me he wasn’t ready, but that he was happy to know we could talk again on the subject.
Sadly, many years have passed and I have never had opportunity to speak to him again. While it’s true that we can’t force people into decisions for Christ, following Jesus is a matter of urgency.
In today’s text, a man volunteered to follow Jesus, but he first wanted to say farewell to his family. Jesus replied by emphasizing that the question of becoming His disciple was an eternally urgent matter. Earthly things will always demand our attention and distract us from eternal matters. Jesus said, “You can’t put your hand to the plow and look back.” Looking back when plowing will only produce a crooked furrow!
He meant that the matter at hand must have your immediate and undistracted attention. Plowing and looking back are incompatible.
Our ministry as church planters compels us to share the gospel. We must never manipulate people into making “decisions” they don’t understand, but we must always stress the urgency of settling things with Christ now. “Now is the day of salvation” (II Cor. 6:2).
Father, Show me how to present the gospel with urgency. Please bring precious people to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Amen.
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