Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

Letter from John Fenn

June 18, 2013
Dear friends,
            Barb and I have truly been overwhelmed by the love, gifts, and support of so many concerning Chris and his accident. Thank you! We were told this week the orthodontist and dentist have met about Chris’ teeth, and scheduled a consultation with us to go over their plan on July 8 – appreciate your prayers for wisdom. We do know they will put Chris ‘asleep’ once again for about 2 hours, then work on pulling the 3 teeth jammed into his gums back down, and attach a wire to bring them fully down over a few weeks. A third appointment later will be root canals and caps to restore things back to normal. Thank you for your prayers and support. Chris’ teeth have firmed up enough that he is able to eat fairly normally, so things are calm once again.
            CWOWI has received from all over the world and in turn given, several thousands of dollars of cash and gift cards to victims of the Moore, Oklahoma tornado, and the tornado and floods in that area the week following, again, through your generous giving. One recipient in particular was moved to tears and also wrote us a thank you note expressing amazement that strangers so far and wide would give so generously to her and her family– Thank you!
The week before last I was asking the Father about the fall when He said: “There is coming a spirit of confusion on the United States later this year. It will be marked by uncertainty, fear, and not knowing what to do next. There will be several elements coming together later this summer and fall rather than a single event, though there will be benchmark events along the way. In fact, there will be benchmark events of greater note next year for the effects of this fall will carry over into next year.” A few days later when I was asking the Father about the economy in particular He said: “What you are witnessing is the purposeful measured decline of the US dollar.” He didn’t say anything else except that, letting the silence between us hang there…Usually that means ‘Think it through, John, search it out, do your homework’.
So many things He says are about root or spiritual elements rather than headline events. Unfortunately people look for headlines, not realizing He often speaks of subtle causes that if mentioned in the news at all, make the back pages, yet they pave the way to a future headline.
For instance, most Americans recognize December, 7, 1941 as the day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. But do people know the reason for the attack was that earlier in the year the US, Britain, and The Netherlands had frozen Japanese assets, making it impossible for them to buy oil. In desperation they felt they had to make war to get the US to lift the oil embargo. By comparison, the way the Father speaks often is to tell of the embargo rather than the headline making event of December 7, 1941.    
Jesus did this when He spoke of end times conditions like love turning cold, rumors of wars, and to look to the fig tree (Israel) for clues to the season of His coming – rather than foretelling specific headline making events.           
So when He speaks of confusion, uncertainty, and fear this fall, my mind goes not to the fall, but what is happening now and in the past several months, as well as this summer (starts Friday the 21st). You can sense the uneasiness even now in the US, so we will be watching for subtle decisions, reports, and events that are laying the groundwork for an interesting fall.
People ask what I am looking at – well, I know historically in 1929 the Stock Market hit all-time highs just weeks before the crash in October. I understand many people with health insurance now will have it abruptly canceled later this year and be forced to choose new programs later this year due to Obamacare requirements. The Federal Reserve has said it may reduce, or even increase, the policy of $85 billion a month purchase of assets to shore up the US economy. Internationally I am watching Turkey, Syria, Israel, Russia and Iran.
While I watch the news, my main focus is on what the Father is saying. What He is saying to me is peace, provision, just be about your business. You may recall after the March, 2011 Japan earthquake and in the first parts of the ‘Arab Spring’, the Lord appeared to me and I was able to ask Him about Egypt and Japan. He told me a couple things and then said, “But what are these to you? You must be about the Father’s business.”                                                                                                                               
Of course He was quoting Himself when He was about 12 years old, when Mary and Joseph had been looking for Him in the caravan leaving Jerusalem after the feast. He was so focused on being about the Father’s business for His life, that events of the world (and family in His case) didn't affect His focus.
What this told me was that life will continue all around us as the course of the world unfolds, but not to be caught up in it, just keep focused on what He asks us to do today, this day, this week, this month – In the middle of that focus is His provision and supply, His peace and assurance.
So I am not concerned that some will be confused this summer & fall, nor concerned that some will be afraid and not know what to do next. We DO know what to do, we are not afraid, we are not confused at all because we see the times and seasons. We can't be moved by other’s ignorance and fear, we must seek Him and His righteousness because we are His kids and part of His family and He takes care of His own. There is great rest in that.  Thanks for being in our lives!
John and Barb                                              

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