‘Discipleship Is …’ 60+ Leaders on Discipleship
“Discipleship is not about learning more. It’s about discovering and developing the reason why you were created. God designed the process to involve other people, and that’s why discipleship is ultimately about connecting with someone who will help you connect with God for the purpose of fulfilling your God-given destiny.” Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands
“Discipleship is about living out of the overflow of God’s love and grace for our lives by pouring into others.It’s life on life, spiritual mentoring that invites someone else to follow Christ with us. Discipleship leverages the power of God working through us to equip others.” Efrem Smith, Evangelical Covenant Church leader

“Discipleship is becoming more and more like Jesus and letting Him live His life more and more in me.” Alan Hirsch, author, missiologist
“I believe discipleship, at its essence, is finding someone a few steps in front of you on the spiritual journey and following them.” Paul Williams, author, leader with The Orchard Group
“Discipleship is simply answering the call of Christ to, “Go and make disciples. I define discipleship as an organic process of helping others become and continue to be disciples of Jesus Christ. Discipleship is not a program that has a beginning and an ending point.” Winfield Bevins, author, pastor and church planter
“Simply, discipleship is a follower of Jesus encouraging others to be followers of Jesus.” Neil Cole, author“Discipleship is an intentional process where one believer engages one or more younger believers helping them process and discover their next steps spiritually in becoming more like Christ.” Mac Lake, visionary architect for The Launch Network
“Discipleship is rooted in a deep belief in the universal reign of God through Christ. To be a disciple is to acknowledge that reign and to embrace the lifelong journey of submitting more and more of every aspect of your life to His good, just, and peaceable reign, as well as alerting others to God’s kingship by both word and deed.” Michael Frost, missiologist, author

“Discipleship is the art and science of helping people find, follow and fully become like Jesus. Discipleship happens as God’s people show love, share truth and live life with one another, making new disciples along the way.-Brandon Cox, church planter, pastor

“Discipleship is the process of moving from unbelief to belief about what is true of Jesus and the Gospel, in absolutely every area of life. Caesar Kalinowski, GCM Collective Director, author
“I don’t know if discipleship is ever complete, but discipleship is well on its way when the one who is mentored, in turn, mentors someone else.” Tom Nebel, director of church planting, Converge Worldwide
“Discipleship is helping each other belong in a healthy relationship with God through proclaiming and modeling the Gospel; equipping each other to become more like Jesus through the study of His Word and experiencing biblical Community; and holding each other accountable to bless His Kingdom and our world through sharing, serving and giving of ourselves.” Shawn Lovejoy, pastor, author
“Discipleship is all about taking our next steps toward Jesus. We become more of who Christ designed us to be. We engage his mission. For me, discipleship has primarily happened through mentors, spiritual disciplines and serving others.” Tony Morgan, author, leadership coach
“A disciple is an apprentice learning a trade. For Christians, it means growing to be more like Jesus and helping others to do the same. I prefer to translate the Greek word for disciple as ‘an apprentice’ rather than ‘a learner.’ We have too much of the head in Christianity and not enough of the heart.” Bill Easum, pastor, coach, consultant“Discipleship is life on life transformation. Jesus’ purpose was to build into the lives of a small group of people so that His mission to bring the kingdom would be carried on their shoulders. In the same way, we are to build into others, discipling them the way Jesus did.” Kim Hammond, Forge America leader
“Disciples make disciples. Anything less is a cheap Gospel.”Jen Hatmaker, author, speaker, church planter
“In its simplest form, discipleship is becoming more of a disciple. Scripture teaches that God grows us, but we also receive a consistent theme that we place ourselves in the posture to receive the growth that God has for us. So discipleship disciplines (prayer, fasting and reading the Bible) help place us in a position to receive spiritual growth from the Lord, leading us to be more faithful and fruitful disciples.” Ed Stetzer, pastor, author, LifeWay Research President
“Discipleship is making lifelong, devoted followers of Christ–people who have committed everything they believe and do to what we find in the gospels.” Matt Smay, author and pastor
“When I think of discipleship, I think leadership development. It’s not a phrase directly used in the New Testament, but it epitomized the ministry of Jesus.” Matt Keller, pastor, author
“Discipleship is equipping the individual to live in God’s community.” Randy Frazee, pastor, author
“At its core, Discipleship is Love. Connecting. Connecting With Purpose. First Connecting with Christ; then with others. With a Purpose. A Purpose found in both persons. To grow in Christ. As the first grows, they, in turn, exhort the other to follow.” Pastor Ken Sartain, senior pastor, First Baptist Church of Hughson, California
“Discipleship is the process of exemplifying, in an ever increasing manner, the character, convictions, and conduct of Jesus.” Dr. Daryl Stagg, Director of Missions, Harmony Baptist Association
“Discipleship is bringing someone’s life back into order.” Pastor Rowel A. Violenta, Harvester Church International, Philippines
“Discipleship is life lived together in pursuit of becoming completely ourselves completely in Christ.” Bob Lawler, Director of Missions, Redwood Empire Baptist Association
“Discipleship is the process of maturing into an ever-increasing reflection of the image of God to Christ in everyday worship, to other followers in regular community and to all peoples (near and far) in mission.” Mark Myles, Converge Church, Campbell River, BC
“Discipleship to Jesus Christ is the intentional, communal,
lifelong journey of being conformed to Jesus Christ through the power of
the Holy Spirit to accomplish God’s purpose in the world.” John Herman, Greenbackville, Va.
“Discipleship is encountering truth, experiencing life, and
expressing love; beginning with you and continuing through another.” Rusty Miller, Interim Senior Minister, Capitol City Christian Church, Lincoln, Neb.
“Discipleship is a relational process of accompanying another
person (as an example, provider of resources, companion or guide) for
their spiritual growth, service and testimony in following Jesus where
they, in turn, repeat the same pattern with others.” Jim Klaas
“Discipleship is, In every context, sharing my redemptive life with
others, surrendered to the Father, empowered by the Spirit.” Jimmy Larkin, Fellowship of Grace, Overland Park, Kan.
“Discipleship is filling the vacancy left when someone accepts
Christ as their personal Savior and sweeps clean the garbage of their
former life. Unless that life is filled with sacrifice, service and
regular communication with God, bad habits will return.”
Ken Hoving, teacher and mentor
Ken Hoving, teacher and mentor
“A disciple of Jesus is one who is living his/her life as Jesus
would if He were us; given our setting—our family, our friends, our
church, our skills, our gifting, our vocation, and our circle of
influence.” Steve Palich, director of Ministry Center Development, CMF International
Venerable Voices on Discipleship
“Let us always remember that Christ calls men and women not only to
trust Him as Savior, but also to follow Him as Lord. That call to
discipleship must be part of our message if we are to be faithful to
Him.” the Rev. Billy Graham“When Christ calls a man, He bids him to come and die.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“Never discard a conviction. If it is important enough for the Spirit of God to have brought it to your mind, it is that thing He is detecting. You were looking for a great thing to give up. God is telling you of some tiny thing. At the back of it, there lies the central citadel of obstinacy: I will not give up my right to myself–the thing God intends you to give up if ever you are going to be a disciple of Jesus.” Oswald Chambers
“No man has the mind of Christ, except him who makes it his business to obey Him.” George MacDonald
“It seemed, sometimes, to be rather repelling men than attracting them to say to would-be disciples, “If you will follow me, do this, and do that,”–perhaps, some very trying ordeal; yet that was the Saviour’s usual habit.” Charles Spurgeon
“Evangelism is the spontaneous overflow of a glad and free heart in Jesus Christ.” Robert Munger
“In our faith, we follow in someone’s steps. In our faith we leave footprints to guide others. It’s the principle of discipleship.” Max Lucado“Father, make of me a crisis man. Bring those I contact to decision. Let me not be a milepost on a single road; make me a fork, that men must turn one way or another on facing Christ in me. martyred missionary Jim Elliot
“The fruit of my work grows on other people’s trees.” Bob Buford, via video at Exponential 2013“Christian disciples are sent men and women–sent out in the same work of world evangelism to the which the Lord was sent.” Dr. Robert Coleman
“Until you have given up your self to Him, you will not have a real self.” C.S. Lewis
“Give me 100 men who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not whether they be clergyman or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of Hell and set up the Kingdom of Heaven upon the earth.” John Wesley
“The greatest issue facing the world today, with all its heartbreaking needs, is whether those who, by profession or culture, are identified as ‘Christians’ will become disciples–students, apprentices, practitioners–of Jesus Christ, steadily learning from Him how to live the life of the Kingdom of the Heavens into every corner of human existence.” Dallas Willard
“No one can sum up all God is able to accomplish through one solitary life, wholly yielded, adjusted and obedient to Him.” D.L. Moody“When we walk without the Cross, when we build without the Cross, and when we confess a Christ without a Cross, we are no longer disciples of the Lord. We are mundane.” Pope Francis at his first mass
“Knowing that we are fulfilling God’s purpose is the only thing that really gives rest to the restless human heart.” Charles Colson
“I want to share with you where my mind has come to rest as I approach the end of my pilgrimage on earth, and it is: God wants His people to become like Christ. Christlikeness is the will of God for the people of God.“ John Stott (from the last sermon he preached:”The Model: Becoming More Like Christ”)
“[Jesus'] plan called for action, and how He expressed it predicted its success. He didn’t say “You *might* be my witnesses,” or “You *could* be my witnesses,” or even, “You *should* be my witnesses.” He said, “You *will* be my witnesses.” Charles Swindoll“When a person makes a confession of faith and is never taken through a formal discipleship process, there is little hope of seeing genuine spiritual transformation.” Dr. Howard Hendricks