Senin, 16 Februari 2015

This Will Prevent Bodily Injury, Mental Anguish & Criminal Activity!

Posted: 16 Feb 2015 04:47 AM PST
It has reported to me from Chloe’s household that millions of people have been arrested for looting, breaking & entering as well as experiencing panic attacks, physical injury, and lengthy hospital stays trying to get their hands on my upcoming book The Day I Met Jesus before it releases on March 3rd, and I partly believe it. (Paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 1:11; 11:18. Thanks Paul.)
To prevent permanent bodily harm, mental anguish, and further criminal activity, my publisher has released A Taste Test of the book.
The Taste Test should hold everyone over until the release date in 15 days . . . March 3rd . . . where you can order the book and hold the baby in your hands direct from
If you missed my big announcement about this recently, Parable will beat every other bookstore’s price — including Amazon’s — and you’ll get 7 exclusive bonuses from Mary and I if you purchase the book from Parable during release week.
Oh, please don’t share the Taste Test with your peeps until March 3rd. It’s just for you right now. :-)
We don’t want people pre-ordering the book beforehand.
We’d like to give them our 7 exclusive bonuses which I’ll unveil on March 3rd.
So here’s to your physical and mental safety! Download The Day I Met Jesus Taste Test

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