Hope for You
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
We don’t have to imitate His Life, we only have to trust His Life! Trust
in His Life to do it in, through, and on behalf of us who cannot do it!
If you have ever once trusted in His Life to keep you from losing your
temper, you can trust in His Life every single time you are confronted
with it, and He will bring you through. Without exception. Along those
lines, I can say with all confidence, that if you can trust His Life to
overwhelm your temper, you can trust His Life for everything else.
What do you need? Do you worry too much? Are you fearful? Are you
bitter?His Life indwells you right now, and longs to make you into something totally new, to transfigure you into something entirely different than what you are now. Thank the Lord that I don’t have to be the way I am, but there is hope for me, and there is hope for you, and there is hope for the worst sinner on the face of the earth, because it is not a question of my effort, but of His sufficiency!
Source: Lord of All by Chip Brogden
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