Senin, 09 Februari 2015


I've had people take me to task because I "talk about
Jesus" too much and don't mention the Father often enough.


Poor, ignorant, foolish people.

The Father is not *slighted* when we honor the Son - He is

The Father has orchestrated His Eternal Plan so that it revolves
around the Son.

If you honor the Son, you honor the Father Who sent Him.

"No man has seen God at any time."

Yet, if you have seen Jesus, He says you have seen the Father.

So the only way to see the Father is to see the Son.

That's why the Spirit testifies of Jesus (not the Father).

That's why the Testimony of Jesus (not the Father) inspires all
prophecy (Rev. 19:11).

Christ-centered teaching and prophetic revelation (used correctly)
reveals the Father by revealing Christ.

Don't make it complicated when it is so simple.

This is not an either/or proposition.

This is not about what I think.

This is what Jesus taught.

Join us Thursday night to dig deeper into this:

I am your brother,

Chip Brogden

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