Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

Thoughts on "Revival"

Hey Church

I've been talking (and praying) a lot about the Harvest.

I think it sounds overwhelming to "go in to all the world" because a lot of people still have an institutional mindset about missions.

They're thinking "go into all the world" means building churches and trying get people to come listen to preaching.

Or, they imagine a great revival where people will crowd into church buildings and fill them to overflowing, the way it happened in previous times with different revival movements.


To me that's all "church-based." I'm not interested in that, and neither is the world.

I believe God is reaching the Lost in a way that has nothing to do with building churches, going to church, or sending missionaries.

It's a Christ-centered revival happening RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE.

God wants to use "ordinary" folks like YOU who are willing to let their light shine WHERE YOU ALREADY ARE.

In your home.

In your community.

In your workplace or business.

In the grocery store, the doctor's office, or wherever you go.

And when someone finally sees IN YOU a real example of a real person who has a real relationship with a real Jesus then that person will say, "I want what you have."

Now, you're not in this alone.

Because, as it turns out, God is doing something amazing in the Last Days...

He is pouring out His Spirit on "all flesh."

Not just believers.


The Lost.

"All flesh."

God is working in THEM as much as He is working in YOU to draw "all people" to Him.

I realize that's a strange concept to some, because they've been taught that the Holy Spirit only works in Christians and only moves in church or in some official Christian event.

So if you want to dig into this further, go here to watch Part 1 of our new teaching:

The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

I am your brother,

Chip Brogden

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