No Other Way
“Narrow is the gate and difficult
is the way which leads to Life.”
The Narrow Gate refers to salvation. We know that a gate is an opening,
or a door that one passes through. It is an entrance into something.
Jesus said, “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved”
(John 10:9). Here, Jesus connects the Door, or the Gate, to entering in
through Him to be saved. This is the Narrow Gate. Why is it narrow?
The Bible says of Jesus, “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there
is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be
saved” (Acts 4:12). To insist that there is no salvation apart from One
Man is, in the eyes of the world, rather narrow-minded. But we insist
upon it because it is true. Jesus says the Gate is narrow. We must go in
through Him. God requires all men to enter in through Christ in order
to be saved. There is no way to appropriate the Victory of the Cross
without entering in by the One Who was crucified for us.
Source: Embrace the Cross by Chip Brogden
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