The Source of Revelation
“Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah,
for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you,
but My Father who is in heaven.”
Here, Jesus contrasts “flesh and blood” knowledge with Truth which is
revealed by God (and of course, Jesus is Truth [John 14:6]). The two are
as different as night and day. In the matter of flesh and blood
knowledge that is obtained from human, earthly sources, we may have
reason to boast in our ability to study, investigate, reason, and
decide. This is the Tree of Knowledge.
In the case of revelation, we have definitely
no room to boast, for revelation is simply that which is revealed to us
from heaven by the Lord. We cannot work to obtain it nor do we merit it.
Additionally, no man may give it to us. Its source is God working in us
through His Holy Spirit. This is the Tree of Life.
Source: Lord of All by Chip Brogden
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