Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014

tale of an alocoholic

Hi Body of Christ,
Africa_luggage3As we travel from one African country to the next, from one hostel to the next, and from one bed to the next while living out of suitcases, we can sometimes lose sight of why we meet with leadership team after team.
But then we hear Antoine tell his story and it reminds us that it's not just about abstract ideas about disciples making disciples or pressing toward church planting movements, it's about real people whose lives are transformed by the power of God when no one and nothing else could do it.

YOU make it happen: Antoine's Story

AntoineRwandan Antoine knows how to worship! Many times now I have seen him step into our circle, feet moving, arms lifted high, dancing and singing to the God who rescued him. Documenting his story with a before and after photo, he explained to me that he had been a drunkard. Many times he would go to his construction job drunk. His photo clearly confirmed his before life showing an unshaven, sickly, very thin, filthy derelict. "I was a drunkard, sleeping in the park. I would go to work drunk and waste all of my francs on alcohol."
Looking at this portly, ever-smiling, joyous man today it's hard to believe. He told me, "Now in my home, it is heaven on earth. I work and I plan. I have surplus food. My boss trusts me now."
What could change a life so dramatically? "Augustine came and told me that Jesus loves me. He showed me the love of God. He was sharing with me from Matthew. I went home and was there by myself and I felt the love of God stirring in me. I told God, 'I am receiving you. I believe in you.' And, I felt joy. It's God's love that has changed me." We could easily see that what this man said was true. When we sing, he dances without shame. He tells us, "Now instead of drinking my life away, I eat the bread of life; this is what sustains me and gives me joy."

Praises for your prayers

boy prayingThe lost find hope, the children are fed, the leaders are equipped… your prayers have carried us in touching five East African nations. You can follow the final three weeks of our adventures via our travel blog:
Love and Blessings,
Roger & Brooks
P.S. You can see the baptism we enjoyed in Burundi along with video clips here.
Also read about how one church planter bears the seeds of much fruit here.

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