Jumat, 19 Desember 2014

Spiritual Preppers?

Have you seen those programs about "preppers"?

They're storing up massive amounts of food, supplies, and ammunition as they prepare (prep) for doomsday.

I personally know one website making $1,000,000 A MONTH selling *information* on how to prep.

Well, there's something similar in the Bible that I call "spiritual prepping."

You see, the disciples once asked Jesus to tell them when He would return, and what would be the signs of the end.

Since then, Bible prophecy teachers have focused on the timing of His return (and they have always gotten it wrong).

Because Jesus said, "You won't know the day or the hour."

And since we don't know, He taught us to be prepared at all times.

In fact, He focused most of His teaching (Matthew 24 and 25) on spiritual prepping - how we are to live while we wait for His return.

(Hint: it's not hiding out in a mountain retreat, waiting for the end of the world.)

So you can focus on what you DON'T know (when will Jesus return?).

Or, you can focus on what you DO know (how did He tell us to live while waiting?).

I think we need to focus on what we DO know.


"What ARE we supposed to be doing while waiting for His return?"

These two messages explain everything...

And you can download them for free.

- THE SIGNS OF THE END (Matthew 24)

Go here to listen to them both:

(Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page.)

I am your brother,

Chip Brogden

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