Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013

The Classroom of the Cross

October 13, 2013

Hello Dave!
A new blog post has just been added to the site...

The Classroom of the Cross

by Chip Brogden

Our temptations, tests, and trials are doing the work of reducing us to Christ. Each wound we receive strikes a blow to our pride and weakens our independent spirit. The things that we think are there to humiliate, weaken, and destroy us are the very things that God uses to strip, refine, purify, purge, and mold our character into the very image of Christ.
We do not have to seek these decreasing experiences; they come to us automatically by reason of our existence in the world. Jesus said that “in the world you will have tribulation” (Jn. 16:33). And since this is the case, we might as well make the best possible use of every difficulty and circumstance we find ourselves in. These difficulties will either makes us better, or make us bitter. Ultimately, the outcome depends upon how we choose to respond...

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