Not Yet, But...
“We do not yet see all things put under Him; but we see Jesus.”
Today, Scripture acknowledges, we do not YET see all things submitted to
Him. I must say I find that word “YET” terribly exciting! That word
“YET” means that something is in store for everything that remains
unsubmitted to the Lord Jesus Christ. The presence of the word “YET”
means its manifestation is inevitable.
We are not pretending to see something that does not really exist – yes,
we agree that we do not YET see all things submitted to Him, things are
bad, and will probably get worse; BUT we do see JESUS, and for the
Christian who seeks first the Kingdom of God, that revelation is
sufficient. You may see every fact to the contrary and argue against
Him, but we see Who He is by revelation, and by revelation we know that
what we see happening in the unsubmitted earth today will be set in
order when Christ and His Kingdom are manifest in all of creation.
Source: The Irresistible Kingdom by Chip Brogden
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