Are You Loved in Your Community?
Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. ~ Romans 13:7READING: Romans 13:1-7
Our purpose for planting a church in a community is to influence the whole community for Christ, to reach all strata of the community. Our ability to influence whole communities or villages for the gospel is greatly enhanced by how we treat the leadership of the community.
In our reality in the villages along the Amazon River and tributaries, it is essential that we “give honor where honor is due” with the village leadership. The very first thing that we do, even before presuming to disembark equipment from the boat, is to converse with the mayor (lieutenant governor), head of the PTA or school principals and get their permission to do our event.
Often they will come to the evangelism event and many times they receive Christ as their personal Savior. When the village leadership receives Christ, or when we simply find favor with them, we have real advantages in planting a church. They are often more prepared to influence their own people and can promote in the process of planting the church. If, on the contrary, we offend them, they are very capable of closing many doors for us and the people of the local community to the gospel.
What about your influence in the target community where you are planting a church? Do you have influence with the powers that be? What could you do to befriend them or become an asset to their positive purposes in the community? Get with your team and prayerfully make a plan to obtain the favor of your community leadership.
Our Heavenly Father, We pray for the leadership of the community. Open their hearts to hear your voice. Give us wisdom in reaching their hearts for you. Amen.
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) “Equips Leaders to Plant 5 Million Churches Worldwide.” Learn more
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