Hi Dave and church,
Every challenge we face leads to an opportunity…
“Your church must close!”

“We could never raise
that kind of money,” Justin recalled. “I thought my ministry was over.
This was a very difficult time in my life.”
But opportunity was
coming. “God began showing me that He could work outside of traditional
structures. I began to learn about simple/house churches and the power
of disciple making movements.”
The result? This movement in Rwanda has now seen thousands of people baptized and hundreds of churches started.
“Years ago God told me
that He was giving me Rwanda. I did not believe that could be possible.
Now I see that it is coming to pass!”
What challenges are you facing today?

Yet He had spoken to us about planting churches in many nations and it was the challenging season that opened the door to this opportunity!
Your opportunity is coming from the challenges you face today!
Thank you for your partnership in changing lives!
With love,
Roger & Brooks
Roger & Brooks
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