5 Really Bad Reasons to Leave Your Church

If you’re thinking about looking for a new church home, please don’t use one of these five reasons to make the jump.
be honest, while there are some good reasons for leaving a church,
there are a lot more bad ones. As a pastor, I hear some of them every
now and then as people walk out the door. As a church planter, I hear
them constantly as people walk in the door. If you’re thinking about
looking for a new church home, please don’t use one of these five
reasons to make the jump:
1. “I’m not being fed.”Do pastors have a responsibility to steward the scriptures and care for their church spiritually? You bet they do. And it can be all too easy to overlook this while trying to manage staff, build systems, meet needs, put out fires, develop leaders, all while overseeing the overall vision and direction of the church. But let’s be honest, if you own a smartphone, a personal computer or a library card, you have access to some of the best preaching and teaching in the world. Shoot, you can even find teaching archives of some of the greatest preachers of all time. Christian, you have access to more “meat” than any other generation before you!
To leave a church because you’re not getting enough substance is a cop out. Your primary call in the church is to contribute, not just to consume. As a Christian, you shouldn’t require spoon-feeding for the rest of your life. Eventually you need to learn how to feed yourself so that in time you can actually feed others. Remember your call is not just to be a disciple but to make disciples.
2. “It’s getting too big.”
I can appreciate the sense of loss that accompanies growth. When we first began, our church was little more than a small band of brothers and sisters meeting together in a living room. It feels very different now that we are a church of a few hundred people spread across multiple services. There are moments when I miss the intimacy and simplicity of those early days. But remaining small is a sad and unbiblical goal.
When churches are faithful to the Great Commission lives will be changed and people will be added to their number. It may not happen rapidly, but on a long enough timeline, growth is inevitable in churches that are faithful. If you have a problem with big churches, you really wouldn’t have liked the first church and you definitely won’t like heaven. To be frank, if you have a problem with the inevitable growth that happens when lives are changed by the gospel, you have some serious repenting to do.
3. “I don’t agree with everything that is being preached.”
You know what? Neither do I and I’m the pastor. As such, I fully reserve the right to disagree with myself. And every now and then I do exactly that. Why? Because I’m learning. I’m growing. I’m asking questions. And my hope is that those I pastor are doing likewise.
If you insist that your pastor agree with you on every little thing under the sun, you are going to either hop from church to church for the rest of your life in perpetual disappointment, or you will eventually give up and drop out altogether. Chances are you are not going to agree with everything that is preached anywhere. As long as your pastor isn’t preaching outright heresy, you can afford to disagree on secondary issues. The truth is when you choose to stay despite disagreeing on some things, you, your pastor and your church are better for it.
4. “My Needs Aren’t Being Met.”
When someone lists this as a reason for leaving, it is a dead giveaway that somewhere along the way they came to believe that the church actually exists to serve their needs. They’ve bought into the lie that when it comes to church it’s really about “me.” Here’s the problem: The church actually isn’t about you. It’s about Jesus. It’s his church. He came for it. He died for it. He redeemed it. He continues to build it. And one day, he’ll come back for it. It’s his.
This is the same Jesus who came to seek and to save the lost and then commissioned his church to go and do the same. The church doesn’t exist to meet your needs. You are a part of the church that exists to meet the needs of the world. So put away the shopping cart and pick up a shovel.
5. Unresolved Conflict.
Wherever you find the community of sinning saints you will find conflict. Lots of it. The church is one big family full of characters and misfits. Sometimes sisters argue. Sometimes brothers fight. Sometimes you want to bury your weird uncle in the backyard. But despite it all, family is supposed to be the place where you stick together. Even when it’s hard. Especially when it’s hard.
Paul addressed a lot of church conflict in his letters. Nowhere do I hear him encouraging believers to bail on one another or move on down the road to a different church where it’ll be easier. Instead, much of his letters are his encouraging and coaching these ragamuffin communities in how to do this very hard and messy thing together. When we leave at first sign of real conflict, it shortchanges God’s best work in our midst. It sidesteps the process of repentance, forgiveness and grace. It negates the power of the gospel to bring reconciliation where reconciliation might seem impossible. We and those around us miss out on all of it when we just leave.
I do know that not all conflict is resolvable. I know that reconciliation is impossible where there is no repentance. I get that. But remember, repentance starts with us. And so does the extending of grace. And when we resolve to stick around and keep on repenting and extending grace, I think God can do far more than we often give Him credit for. Some of God’s best work happens in the mess.
So what about you? Do you agree? Disagree? What bad reasons for leaving your church am I missing?

I am a follower
of Jesus, a husband, a dad, and a pastor, in that order. I am the
founding and lead pastor of Mosaic Lincoln, a founding board member of
Pillar Seminary, a founding board member of the Creo Collective church
planting network, and a district multiplier with the EFCA.
More from Aaron Loy or visit Aaron at http://aarongloy.com
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