Seven-thirty am we leave, the text from John
said as we crawled into bed the night before. Buzzzz…mzungu time read
the next text. Mmmmm, well, that’s always questionable, as I’ve written
before. There’s African time and Mzungu time. Why hurry and stress when
the day is going to unfold with all that it holds without forever
glancing at our watches or cell phones to prod us to think faster, move
quicker and get there above all else on time!
Well, good for us that we chose to believe him this time. We were up
and ready to roll by 7:30 for the two hour journey to Kakamega from
Kitale. When we learned that John’s car (I think you may remember this
infamous car from trips before) was in the shop that very night for the
second time this week, we suggested to John that perhaps he find another
car. He was, relieved as obviously we were, that he was in agreement
and admittedly agreed, “You know that car; it is being very stubborn!”
So, true to his word, John arrived…well, kinda sorta on time…for an
African, a definite on time: 7:50, only 20 minutes beyond his eta. And
we were off!!!! Again, kinda sorta…first a stop at the gas station on
the way out of town…to check the tire.

And, after a short while, we were off…again.
Until…after bumping along on the unpaved, very rocky road under
never-ending Chinese construction…John announced, there is something
wrong. Before even stopping he could tell (from so many previous
experiences) that the same tire was a problem, most likely something to
do with the nozzle. So, we hobbled along til we reached the early
morning bustlings of nearby Kiminini.

Where once again, the tire was attended to:
John overseeing changing of the tire…again
…and before it was all over…yet again….
But such is life traveling via car in Africa! I’m not sure if we have
EVER gone from one location to another by car when we haven’t been able
to spend time “visiting” an unplanned town or village due to car
When we were in Kakamega we met with some of John’s disciple-making
leaders, some of whom had been in Nairobi with us. It was so great to be
with them and to hear their comments and sharing with their fellow
leaders regarding their time in Nairobi. Not only did they teach the
others what they had learned about Muslims, but also made comments like:
“I am already meeting with three Muslims. We are doing a Discovery Bible Study and they want me to share more.”
“All of these teachings were new to us. Before I used to have Muslim
friends and we were not on good terms. I started (last week) looking for
some of those guys and called five of them to come and talk with me. I
am meeting with them tomorrow. When I called them, I greeted them with
their greeting, “As-salam alaykum.” (Peace be upon you.) They were
surprised that I would greet them this way and that I want to build a
positive relationship with them.”
“Since we came from Nairobi I have gone up to that region near
Somalia known as Lodwar. I spent three days studying those teachings so I
could go and pass them on. There are many Muslims there living in dire
poverty, especially in the refugee camps.”
“Last week I was with my neighbor that up til now I have avoided
because he is a Muslim. I was talking with him about some things about
the Kingdom of God. He works at night, but asked me to come between 4
and 8 p.m. to talk with him because he wants to enter into relationship
with me. He even wants us to sit with his father and his brothers. Now
we will not be enemies any longer. I believe we will be able to discuss
many things about God and His Kingdom as time passes.”
It was really great to see the guys so enthusiastic to teach the
others what they had learned and to already shift their thinking in this
very hard area where in particular Kenyans have suffered so much at the
hands of militant Muslims.
Everyone shared reports on what is happening in their regions with
development and house churches. It’s staggering to see their sacrifice
of time, monies, and ego to lift so many in rural Kenya into a new life
in Christ where they are experiencing tangible, practical loving
relationships. Check out these amazing men and women:

and, of course, John and George:

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