Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Reckoning and Reality

Reckoning and Reality

by Chip Brogden

Some may say, “I don’t feel as though I am seated with Christ in the heavenlies. I do not have any sense of victory. I see what God’s Word says and I want to believe, but my experience contradicts what God says. So I do not know how to live this out in a practical way.”
There are many things to discover in Christ. In fact, to know Him is to know how little of Him we know. Spiritual growth and maturity is the natural result of discovering something new in Christ, reckoning it to be so, living as if it is so (despite all evidence to the contrary), and then seeing our faith rewarded with tangible evidence, spiritual fruit, and practical results.
There is a world of difference between reading about our victory in Christ and actually casting out devils. The space in between the spiritual truth and the practical expression of the truth is where we are growing, learning, and maturing. We will sometimes fail, make mistakes, and be sorely tempted to believe what we see and feel instead of what God says. But if we persevere, victory is inevitable. The Cross cannot fail...

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