Study to Show Yourself Approved Unto God
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. ~ II Timothy 2:15READING: II Timothy 3:14-17
Not everyone on a church planting team has been through a systematic Bible training. In fact it has become very clear to me in Peru that there are many who are planting churches who have no formal Bible training but rather have based their ministry on short seminars or conferences which they have attended.
While those seminars are often very informative and anointed, they are no replacement for a systematic biblical training, whether in a traditional Bible school or a systematic video Bible training. Otherwise, although they have knowledge and anointing in leadership principles they lack an overall knowledge of the Scriptures regarding numerous broader topics outside of church planting.
What about you? Have you been trained systematically in the Word of God or are you doing that now? There is no time like the present to begin. Various video courses are available. Does your church have a training plan? Talk with your pastor or mentor for his counsel. Prepare yourself and your teammates to study systematically.
As the Word of God penetrates our lives, we will grow in the Word and in character and be more prepared for EVERY good work. I have talked to many church leaders who feel comfortable in one area of ministry but almost refuse to help out when it’s an area that they don’t feel particularly “called” to do.
Are you fully prepared for every good work? Do you want to be fully equipped for church planting ministry? Make plans and take the necessary steps to accomplish it.
Dear Father, I admit that I don’t feel fully prepared for every good work. Show me what steps I should take to truly be prepared. Amen.
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) “Equips Leaders to Plant 5 Million Churches Worldwide.” Learn more
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