A Church Planter Needs to Be His Own Man
“I cannot go in these,” he said to Saul,“because I am not used to them.” ~ I Samuel 17:39READING: I Samuel 17:32-50
I remember several young ministerial students practicing to sound like Billy Graham, the great evangelist. One fellow would stand for hours in front of a mirror with his Bible open, draped over his hand like Billy, and would practice Billy’s mannerisms and voice inflection. Quite honestly, he got pretty good and if you closed your eyes and listened to him, you would think he was Billy Graham.
In today’s world of resources and gadgets, it is tempting for young church planters to try to emulate the popular preachers of our day. Do not misunderstand, I’m all for borrowing ideas; giving credit where credit is due; and even adapting sermons written by others. However, busy young planters must never slack off in personal preparation or try to be a clone of others. While learning from these great men of God, we shouldn’t circumvent the necessity of getting before God and getting our own word from Him.
There is a fine line between desiring the same kind of divine anointing that we see on others, and mimicking them or “lip syncing” their messages – that’s IDOLATRY! God has a fresh new work to do in and through you today. Just like David, who refused Saul’s armor, so today, go out and face your giants in the power and gifting God has given you.
But you say, “I want to be like . . . Their ministry is anointed and mine’s not!” Jesus would say, “Take your eyes off of them and onto me. It’s none of your business whether I bless them or curse them. BE YOUR OWN MAN!”
Father, I ask for your special anointing on my message and ministry so many will come to know my Lord and Savior. Amen.
Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) “Equips Leaders to Plant 5 Million Churches Worldwide.” Learn more
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