"We who live are always delivered to death for Jesus' sake."
The answer to why there is so little power and genuine spiritual
fruit in the lives of those who follow Jesus is a simple one: they
desire the Life of the Lord, but not His Death. They want a daily
pouring out of the Lord's Life, but they shun the prospect of daily
sharing in His Death.
The saints of the Lord are well instructed in living victoriously,
being blessed, walking in power, overcoming the enemy, and living
up to their potential. By comparison, the majority of them know
next to nothing about self-denial, bearing their Cross, boasting in
their weaknesses, being joyful in trials, winning by losing,
gaining by giving up, working by resting, accepting both the bitter
and the sweet as gifts from God, enduring hardness and accepting
suffering. God desires to increase us and enlarge us; He therefore
calls us to go back to the Cross and start over again.
Source: "Embrace the Cross" by Chip Brogden
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