Hello Friends
The link below if for the Asian Harvest April Newsletter from Paul & Joy Hattaway and the article "From the Front Lines" is very worthwhile in understanding cross cultural mission. We would encourage you to take the few moments required and give it a read! The piece covers a large area and includes a quote from Rolland Allan, "Foreigners can never successfully direct the propagations of any faith throughout a whole country. If the faith does not become naturalized and expand among the people by its own vital power, it exercises an alarming and hateful influence and men fear and shun it a something alien." http://asiaharvest.org/pages/newsletters/114-April2012-TheAsianWorkersFund.pdf
We also want to let you know that "The Luke 10 Manual" is now available as a free PDF download from out website, www.harvest-now.org , in English, German, Dutch, French, Russian, Spanish, Kyrgyz and Bulgarian. The English version is available in hard copy from lulu by clicking on the picture of the book and the Dutch version is available in hard copy from amazon.de . Please help us get the word out that these various versions are available. Would you consider helping us print the Burmese and the Urdu versions which are now being translated?
Every blessing
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