"Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil."
2 KINGS 4:2
Every disciple of the Lord Jesus is at a different level of growth
and spiritual maturity. But may I say that no matter how long you
have walked with the Lord - be it several years or only a day - you
have at least one "jar of oil" in your house.
Now what you do with that one jar of oil makes the difference
between a victorious life and a defeated life. The single jar of
oil is not much in and of itself. It is not sufficient to meet the
demands of your creditors, nor is it sufficient to sustain your
spiritual life. It is only sufficient when it is poured forth. The
one who "saves" his life will lose his life, but the one who "pours
out" his life will really have it in abundance.
Source: "Embrace the Cross" by Chip Brogden
Gereja merupakan organisme yang hidup dan bukan sekedar organisasi buatan tangan manusia. Gereja harus di mulai di rumah tangga kita masing-masing dan bukan sekedar aktivitas religius belaka namun bagian kehidupan sehari-hari. Gereja harus jadi terang dan garam di luar dinding gedung gereja. Sebab gereja adalah kita
Rabu, 27 Juni 2012
Minggu, 24 Juni 2012
Right Investment of Time
"Now as [Paul] reasoned about righteousness, self-control, and the
judgment to come, Felix was afraid and answered, 'Go away for now;
when I have a convenient time I will call for you.'"
ACTS 24:25
When the time is short we must make the most of every opportunity
and waste nothing. Ordinarily if we speak the Word to someone and
they send us away, the best advice is to leave. Unfortunately, Paul
was in prison and could not get away. Felix sent for him often but
nothing ever changed. In this manner Paul witnessed to Felix for
two years without any result whatsoever. Clearly this was a ruse of
the enemy designed to frustrate the gifted apostle and sap his
Paul the prisoner had no choice but to come when Felix called for
him; we who are free ought to be careful lest we find ourselves
spending all our time talking to a Felix when there is a Cornelius
praying to hear us speak the very words that Felix takes for
Source: "The Church in the Wilderness" by Chip Brogden

"Put on the new man which was created
according to God, in true righteousness and holiness."
What is the Christian Life? It is leaving our ground altogether and
coming onto the ground of Christ. It is deeper than a changed life
- it is an exchanged life. Over time we can accomplish a change,
but we can do nothing to exchange our life for His Life. This, from
start to finish, is God's work, and it is a work of grace.
What, after all, is Righteousness? What is true Holiness? Christ is
not righteous because He does righteous things; He does righteous
things because He is Righteousness. Christ is not holy because He
does holy things; He does holy things because He is Holiness. His
"doing" flows out of His "being" - and OUR "doing" flows out of His
"being" as well.
Source: "Lord of All" by Chip Brogden

christian growth,
Senin, 18 Juni 2012

simple church
Rabu, 13 Juni 2012
Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt
you in due time." 1 PETER 5:6
When we are submitted to the Lord, we find Grace. We find Peace. We
find Rest. All things are in His hands, and He does all things
well. We need not fear what any devil or any man can do to us. To
be submitted to the Lord is to be under His care, under His
guidance, under His power, under His protection. Whom shall I fear?
What can man do to me? What can the devil do to me?
If I have humbled myself beneath the mighty hand of God then He
will exalt me in due season; He will justify me; He will defend me;
He will fight for me. If our submission to God is complete, if our
surrender to the Lord is total, then victory is assured.
Source: "Embrace the Cross" by Chip Brogden

Senin, 11 Juni 2012

intimacy with God,
Kingdom of God,


intimacy with God,
Kingdom of God,
free indeed


hunger for righteousness



christian growth,
Kingdom of God,
Senin, 04 Juni 2012

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012
Christ in Context
Posted by miltrodriguez in Christ, Christian Life, Church Life
But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak of His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you.” John 16: 13 – 15
One of the results of the fall is that our minds now have a strong tendency to taking ideas, concepts, and even persons, and then chopping them up and pulling them out of their proper context. For example, we have done this with Jesus Christ Himself.
The Segmented Christ
We have taken Christ and chopped Him up into little pieces. I have written about this previously in an article called The Holistic Church. We take a slice out of Christ and then make it everything. We have done this with just about every aspect of the person and work of Christ.
For example, we have taken evangelism, gifts, healing, miracles, social action, deliverance, love, peace, joy and many other aspects of Him and taken them out of their proper context (Christ Himself) and then blown them up to be everything.
Yet our glorious Christ is all of these things and so much more! But that is what the fallen, un-renewed mind does. So our revelation and life experience must shift to the whole Christ so that we can express the fullness of Christ. But what is the context of Christ Himself?
Seeing Christ in His Environment
This is moving to another mountain altogether. It all begins with “seeing,” that is, revelation of this Christ within His context. Seeing all of the aspects of Christ as all parts of the whole Christ is one thing (and it is wonderful), but what about seeing the context of this Christ Himself?
Did you know that Christ has His own context, His own environment that He lives in all the time? Do you realize that we have done the same “splicing” of Christ out of His context as we have done with the many aspects of Christ?
So exactly what is the context for the Son of God? It’s simple; the context for Christ is God Himself! What is His environment? Where does He live? He lives inside of the Father through the Holy Spirit (See Jn. 17). In other words, the context for Christ is the Triune God or Godhead. That’s His native habitat. He came from and went back to God (Father, Son, Spirit).
He never has nor will He ever live “one solitary life”! He is not a lone individual. Even while on the earth, He was living in, by, through, and to His Community – the Triune God. He lives in the glorious context of Community life. His life doesn’t even make sense outside of the fellowship of the Father and the Spirit. Just read the gospel of John and you will see this very clearly, that is, if you are really looking.
The One Dimensional Christ
You could say that seeing Christ the way that we normally see Him is like seeing Him one-dimensionally. People are really into 3D movies nowadays. Why? Because now, instead of just watching the film with height and width, you can actually see depth! What a difference depth makes. I personally dislike those funky glasses.
We have been viewing Christ one-dimensionally. Yet He is really a three-dimensional Lord. He is one with the Father and Spirit. Three dimensions? Well, actually much more . . . three Persons! Yet each one of these Persons is unlimited in Their vastness. And the three unique and unlimited Ones are even greater than that because of Their oneness. The oneness of God is not just a doctrine or theology, but it is an actual life that has been lived out for eternity. Jesus called this life – eternal life (Jn. 17:3). This is the life of oneness, the life of eternal fellowship, the life of community.
If you will sit down one day and read through the gospel of John chapters fourteen through seventeen, you will see it more clearly. The Son is part of the fellowship or community. We could call this community the divine fellowship. When he became a man and lived on this earth he was still living in and by this divine community. He told us that He lived by the life of His Father (Jn. 6:57). At His baptism the Father spoke from heaven and the Spirit descended as a dove. He cast out demons by the Spirit. The words He spoke came from the Father. The three divine Persons of the Trinity were working in tandem the whole time.
Three Dimensional Church Life
Now this divine fellowship and community that is shared within the Godhead has everything to do with us as believers. The Lord didn’t just share these things with the disciples to give them some new radical theology. Even though as Jews they didn’t even believe in a Triune God!
What He was sharing in these chapters of John’s gospel was the actual foundation of the eternal life that He was giving them. This life would soon be in them and they would learn to live by this life.
This eternal life is nothing less than the very same life that energizes the community of the Godhead.
“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Him whom You have sent, Jesus Christ” (Jn. 17:3).
“That which we have seen and heard we report also to you that you also may have fellowship with us, and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ” (1 Jn. 1:3).
This life, this community life, is not only the model for the church. It is also the very life by which the church lives. This fellowship within the Triune God is the life by which He wants to live in and through the believers.
Jesus Christ is the embodiment of the fullness of the Godhead (Col. 2:9). And we are in Him. We are not in Him just as some kind of ethereal vague theory. We are in Him so that we can fellowship (actually participate) in that life. We are in Him so we can fellowship but also so we can express. He wants us, as the corporate body of Christ, to express the actual community life within God Himself! He wants that life to be our lifestyle.
Our Context
Just as Christ has a context in the life of the Triune God, so do we. Our context as believers is Christ Himself. And that context is corporate to the core. We all are in Christ by the Spirit and Christ is in the Father. And the Father is in the Son.
Isn’t that a wonderful place to be?
intimacy with God,
Kingdom of God,
For Dreams to Come True
Just because we walk and talk does not mean we are truly awake. Zechariah was not sleeping when an angel roused him "as a man who is awakened from his sleep" (Zech. 4:1). Perhaps we too need to be shaken from our slumber to possess the promises of God!
Amazingly, in spite of all the signs, wonders, and warnings announcing that we are truly in the last days, Jesus said there will also be a mysterious drowsiness that we must discern and overcome. Indeed, immediately after highlighting the various evidences of the end (Matt. 24), He compares the church to virgins who "all got drowsy and began to sleep" (Matt. 25:5).
Virgins sleeping at the end of the age? It seems incomprehensible with the coming "wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below" (Acts 2:19), not to mention the powerful, worldwide herald of the gospel of God's kingdom. Yet this phenomenon of spiritual slumber, of losing our God-seeking hunger, is something we must guard against.
When this slumbering spirit approaches, it first dulls our perception. Soon, our zeal for the things of God diminishes. We still love the Lord, of course, but our vision sits in the back seat as other less important aspects of life set the direction for our lives.
Indeed, from the beginning, the voice of Satan has had this seductive, lulling effect on mankind. Eve's excuse for disobedience? "The serpent hath caused me to forget" (Gen. 3:13 Young's Literal Translation).
This sense of spiritual forgetfulness, of drowsiness, is the cloud of blindness that we each must discern and overcome. It was in regard to this that the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart through the following dream:
There was a temple standing in an open field. My view of the temple was from its side, about 200 yards away. I could not see its front, yet it must have been completely open because great light flashed out from the inside; it pulsed like lightning yet was solid like sunlight. The block of light coursed straight out, and I knew this light was the glory of God.
The temple was so close, just across the field, that I knew with just a little effort I could enter the glory of God. His holy presence was clearly within my reach. There were others also in the dream who were directly in front of me, people I recognized from church. Each one seemed busy. And while the temple and its light were visible and readily accessible to all, every head was bent downward and turned away from the light; each was occupied with other things.
I heard one person say, "I have to do laundry." Another said, "I have to go to work." I could see people reading newspapers, watching televisions, and eating. I was sure everyone could see the light if they wanted to – even more sure that we all knew His glory was near.
There were even a few people reading the Bible and praying, but everyone maintained the downward thrust of their gaze; they all had a mental barrier of some kind between them and the place of God's presence. No one, in fact, seemed capable of standing up, turning, and steadfastly walking into the very near glory of God.
As I watched, suddenly my wife lifted her head and beheld the temple in the field. She stood and walked without pausing toward the open front. As she drew closer to the light, a garment of glory formed and thickened around her; the closer she went, the more dense the light surrounding her became. Finally, she stepped in front of the temple, turned, and stood in full view of the blazing glory of God. Then she entered the temple.
Oh! How jealous I felt. My wife had entered the glory of God before me! At the same time I realized that there was nothing stopping me from approaching God's presence – nothing except the multitude of things to do and responsibilities that, in truth, ruled my life more than the voice of God.
Pushing the weight of these pressures from me, I determined to rise and enter the temple myself. But, to my great regret, in my dream as I rose up, I suddenly woke up! The longing and disappointment within me seemed unbearable. I had been so close to entering God's presence. How I wanted to enter the temple and be swallowed up in His glory!
I cried, "Lord, why did You let me wake up?"
Immediately, the word of the Lord responded. He said, "I will not have My servant's life fulfilled by a dream. If you want your dream to come true, you have to wake up."
Breaking Passivity; Setting Priorities
Beloved, today God is awakening us to the reality of His presence. The promises the Lord gives us in the Scriptures must become more to us than dream-like realities reserved only for the hereafter. Moses frequented the glory of God. Israel's seventy elders ate and drank in God's resplendent glory (Exod. 24:9-11). Jesus unveiled God's glory to His key disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration! Paul says that beholding the glory of the Lord is the very means of our transformation (2 Cor. 3:18).
For this reason the Scripture says, "Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you" (Eph. 5:14). If we truly want Christ to "shine" upon us, we must arise from the distractions that entomb us in lethargy and spiritual drowsiness.
Right at this moment, the presence of the living God is near enough to hear the whisper of our hearts. But if we want our dream of standing in the presence of God to come true, we must wake up.
Awaken my heart, Lord. Open my eyes to all that You are and everything we can be together. Lead me to Your presence and show me how to truly keep You first in my life. Show me what will have lasting significance. I want all of You, and I want to experience Your glory!
Consistency With the Inner Man
"We regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known
Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer."
In our relationships it is easy to touch one another in the flesh.
But to put on the Lord Jesus is to make no provision for the flesh,
even in our relationships. To "know no man after the flesh" is
truly a challenge. We "project" a certain something, and either it
is ourselves, or it is Christ.
We note the personality differences between Paul, and Peter, and
John, and James, and Barnabas; even so, they each have the same
clothing, having put on the Lord Jesus. So we can touch them on a
deeper level than who they are in themselves. We can still see the
man, but we mostly see the Lord of the man. When we put on the Lord
Jesus then the outward man becomes consistent with the inward man.
This is fruitfulness, and this should be the normal experience of
all disciples of the Lord.
Source: "Lord of All" by Chip Brogden
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